▲ igyeongjin kbs school entertainment shows like 'live together, let's do 3 of the Park Won Sook' actor.Source kbs
[a cost of sporting news = jangdaui] star said reasons for declaring the engagement immediately after the high-speed wedding is igyeongjin
이경진은 지난 28일 방송된 KBS2 예능 프로그램 '박원숙의 같이 삽시다 시즌3'(이하 '같이삽시다')에서 오랜시간 자신을 옭아맨 결혼 루머에 대해 입을 열었다.
The igyeongjin " live a few days after the nuptials and told that he had been their honeymoon, but were mentioned too.Sometimes have when I get angry if you heard that.You're not a matter of fact, started to talk.
" a short period of time so don't know, as "show business life after doctors tried to go and live out the rest of my students study by chance in the United States to meet a man trying to get a certificate of qualifications." and meet you.American life, it's so busy I can't see.Marriage is meeting in two months away.Continue around the marriage that be, " it's okay to open up.
However, felt many obstacles in the process of preparing for marriage is igyeongjinHe said, " marriage, suddenly I thought, 'This should not be married.' the preparation.I can't ask for my luggage and talking to wed since the decision, in my mind, 'I will give the wedding after' and she said she was high, explained the circumstances at the time.
And I tried to not wedding.But is called marriage certificate to sign as soon as after the wedding.I am not signing and due, and delivered a speech to declare.Wedding preparations all incompatible with each other.This marriage was for all you don't have the thought.The next day I decided to go back to Korea the wedding.Because my mom recommended that I left straight after the wedding.I can never find property as good as, Jim, and the flight to South Korea.I come in on the body, called 'The plane is this I hope apart' reminds me of. had tears in his eyes.