Photo / = 2 kbs tv a capture 'godfather''godfather' to cooking contest from a camp of the situation facing the family's story provides a unique fun.
Over the past 28, the program aired two kbs tv entertainment programs, Kim Sook and Jonathan Kang Joo Eun, or the camp and go on a diet in 'Create new family of godfather' (less than 'godfather') uyerim of mother-in-law was painted that showdown a dish. Jonathan went into 'The retreat on a diet' in the 'It's one tent.' with Kim Sook Ui.Kim Sook Eun 'wet a sauna' and high strength up to the diet."I will just live for 106 kg" from 'wet a sauna' but burned for Lee on a diet will later said to laughter.Let me cut the watermelon for a hard time Kim Sook Eun after Jonathan dress warm.This moment is 1 minute, the best (Nielsen household basis, Seoul Metropolitan Area) ratings and 3.1 percent.
Lee was binge eating during a diet after all.'It's one tent.' Mass he had to buy instant noodles and snacks at nearby store."It was so good." Kim Sook, director general of seeing it as well and happily ate some snacks with Jonathan.
In particular, to 'little sister late in their life' episode of 'godfather' 38 times in so public.See Garvey to a gift to friends in poetry and the son of see the 'godfather' toy car in the studio to paint 'little sister late in their life' the story.He said, " ever a pair of shoes.Indifferent older brother seems, love to my brother, my heart is always revealing.
'ganmonyeo' Kang Joo Eun Hye Lim, Garvey in this eye-catching is a dish of mothers in the confrontation.강주은은 케사디야와 뇨키 등 양식을 준비한 반면, 혜림의 시어머니는 잡채, 닭볶음탕, 소고기오이볶음 등 다양한 한식을 요리했다.These excessively to a cease-fire by the induction, gave a fiery showdown.
Later replaced by Hye Lim, Garvey and mothers praise alternate in food and sense of the daughter-in-law is sinmincheol and shown comes across as a son-in-law.Kang Joo Eun and replaced by Hye Lim of the mother-in-law is those who "I want to learn to cook." says happy and satisfied with the appearance of the place finish.