( ek Ha Ji-won, sports news reporter) Shinji Koyotae has to show off the beauty in good shape.
Shinji is 30 days of her posted a photo with article called "willingness to show in the back" in Instagram.
Hold with one hand the braided hair in photos released without posing with Shinji's showed.Wear a slight smile of looks are captured the eye. to reobeulli
Recently, more go on a diet, wear in keeping his intent with a steady exercise is bare your waist, a little bit of a handful of attention.
Netizens warn that "pretty sexy, cuteness, three combo.", "the back so cute." and "I'm attractive have changed in accordance with the hair" left a comment.
Shinji, meanwhile, has Koyotae 1998 debut.The current standard fm mbc 'Shinji, Jeong Jun-ha cry all the show', including a number of active in entertainment programs.
Recently, a hospital being treated for a traffic accident damage makes'm sorry news it.
Instagram wear : capture the picture.