" My mom coming?" the great Huh Jae, heoung heoun the world (time heoseom) war [a tv].

Heo Sambuja heodang appeal of an explosion.

29 televised jtbc ‘time for rich diary home island - heoseom heosam’ (the abbreviation ‘ heoseom and ’), Hur Jae, heoung heoun half-baked housekeeping skills from a personal charm of breathing rich, glutinous rice cake which I can feel pleasant for energy. Sambuja before carrying her insides of the curtain installation is no time to take a break, the laughter with a hammock.The heoung with completion of the framework of the perfectly and seamlessly take the lead, and a hammock, to peruse the documentation.Look a little lame, but what the problem at once somewhere smart to understand the brain down, and its side to show.

Sambuja the idea, too in trouble not install curtains. along the heoungParadigm shift from curtains to put the brackets to the ceiling was nothing easy to worry about the two reasons.In particular, the most important know how to use the electric drill an extension is the fact that there is no one picked up the child.Try to use the electric drill exhausted before the roll out of his settlement with each other, not only for a few to try, but one scratch on the ceiling, saying not a laugh.Sambuja figured out a way to the end of the twists and turns the roar of joy and missing nails this time finishing the installation and takes part in the scene.

Before I knew it to cooking, and adjust to life in the island heoung with a interesting is, accompained by Ramen to create a caldron lid and forget to eat chicken and pizza for dinner.Green onion kimchi, a partner of the fantasy of instant noodles, accompained by myself with confidence, saying suddenly started to make green onion kimchi and explosions, heoun풀도 직접 쑤고, 마늘도 다지고, 수박 주스로 단맛을 추가하는 등 허 형제만의 느낌 충만한 파김치를 완성한 후 한 입 먹어본 허웅은 파의 매운맛에 호되게 당했다.In all the heoung a green onion kimchi from all the way spraying water at best mixed spice to even prescribe an emergency to adjustment to its own hot.

Once on mush -- tasty mush -- ripe, accompained by Ramen and care have completed at the end of spring onion Gimchi, and I can't a bad taste with pizza, chicken to a hearty dinner table was set.Sambuja eating broadcasts carried away in central Europe in recent years.Salivary glands of the home viewers to burst it.Delicious food and I just a picturesque scene in the mood improved heoun, " I felt.I think I can live by pressing on the island "Nokdo, and in ecstasy, heoung" stress from downtown is no happy " they showed to win it.

Night, Hur Jae played a bottle of soju after falling out snacks.In heoung again actively working, saying make the food I want to do dishes after chef with spring onion Gimchi, who can stop and heoung to no such thing as an egg roll.

When the morning, Sambuja by the the youngest heoun of morning exercise routine was.The angle at which the live custody sergeant style of their final years with the feeling of heoun heoung and for Hur, who looks to such struggle along the active duty for sons.Nokdo is a word of command of a heoun tired quickly of the morning off.

Herr of brothers to prepare ambitious, following significant mission is going on.Ambitious work of the great ambition after the house expecting that the cleaning up after brothers are important, dyed their hair to his father.Who's wondered by, and I did a great hustle and bustle on a First Lady of the two sons, said his father!Nokdo in the areas, said Hur, who sneaked a mother invited a clean breast of fact.

Huh, even the mother finally my way up, whether or not the whole family are all of the some memories.

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