Jang sns provided.
Actor and singer Jang Na-ra in June bride.
Jang said sports to three days in the "Jang is not a celebrity end of June, to marry her boyfriend." culture agency rawon.
Jang, the same day their official website through marriage to break the news.
She said, " but good news for you to personal to you today.That said, get married.
이어 "영상 일을 하는 6살 연하의 친구와 2년여간 교제 끝에 서로 인생의 동반자가 되기로 약속했다"며 "예쁜 미소와 성실하고 선한 마음, 자기 일에 온 마음을 다하는 진정성 넘치는 자세에 반해 인연을 맺게 됐다.We are very glad to have a life together with such a nice friend the mind more if you wanted to tell you frankly. "
There's nothing as " talented, I debut as an entertainer who seems like a couple of days ago, many years already.Calls him for a long time have supported and always looked on with fine eye and you thank you so much, with your heart.
" Since the wedding, following the interesting work coming to see him warming up to the hard, too!전보다 더욱더 무겁게 감사하는 마음으로 모든 순간에 최선을 다하는 연기자가 되겠다"고 했다.
끝으로 장나라는 "비연예인인 제 친구가 혹여 일터에서 저로 인해 불편함이 생기지는 않을까 하는 노파심에 자세히 말씀드리지 못하는 점 정말 송구스럽다.Please be charitable to understand you sincerely ask you, you asked. Meanwhile, Jang was born in 1981, 21st anniversary of his debut this year.With a youthful beauty called ‘Baby Faced Beauty’ the entertainment industry representatives.
Through the 2001 album ‘buried his face in tears.’ debuted as a singer.‘Sweet dream’ ‘Maybe it's love’ ‘confession’ ‘I am woman.’ ‘April Story’ and other hit songs, she loved.
Walked a steady move as an actor.A sitcom called ‘The Nation's Litter Sister, aid’ through the ‘New Nonstop’ modifier and, ‘a Bright Girl’ ‘My Love Patzzi’ ‘Wedding’ ‘Baby Faced Beauty’ ‘School 2013’ ‘I love you like destiny’ ‘confession of couple’ ‘Queen's character’ ‘vip’ on.The latest ‘hit real estate’ the sitcom was ended last year.
■ Jang is the official position experts.
Today is personal to you, but good news for you to.
That wedding!^^
The image of doing things for six years his junior year-long relationship between the two years with my friend promised to be the partner of life with each other!A beautiful smile and sincere hearts and minds in the good at heart and, above all, his work, and to knit the bonds, while in a spirit of a lot of authenticity.A great friend, I am delighted to have a life with this mind dear to you honestly wanted to tell you!
I'll be fun and happy life!^^
There's nothing extraordinary debut seems like a couple of days ago, as an entertainer I find myself many years.And calls him for a long time have supported and always looked on with beautiful eyes you so much Thank you.
Immediately followed by a funny work hard, too, I will call the preparation with the wedding!More and more heavily than ever be doing one's best performers in every moment with gratitude.
Lest my discomfort due to at work is not a celebrity, a friend of mine, not whether there is too good of you who can't, I'll tell you in detail in points of concern for you.Please graciously pleading with him that you'll understand you.
Thank you very much all the time!^^
2022.6.Truly, Jang Na-ra.
Online journalist . hwanghyoi