(ek The newcomer is sports news reporter) 'An Unexpected Journey' Yun Yeo-jeong Eric goodold boy and his son's friend and singer, met in the la.
5일 방송된 tvN '뜻밖의 여정' 마지막 회에서는 뜻밖의 인연들, 에피소드로 가득했던 윤여정의 LA 마지막 여정이 공개됐다.
Which was held on the eve of the 94 times attended the Academy Awards for Best Supporting Actor of comics getting the job done, Lee Seo-jin as the next morning, Na Young Suk is Yoon Yeo-jeong pd own pickup Black-bean-sauce noodles, which has been delicious and began the day.
Yun Yeo-jeong second son, friend, Eric Yun Yeo-jeong in his quarters, after the goodold boy, Yoon Yeo-jeong and strongly attached to his son Eric goodold boy's brother made the visit.

Goodold boy Eric Yun Yeo-jeong after the tour of the United States are welcome to hear that the goodold boy Eric Yun Yeo-jeong, and came to say your greetings is make fun of and welcome open up.
Erik the goodold boy my brother and son Yun Yeo-jeong had ties of five years."when you entered did a real Korean when he came to South Korea", and goodold boy, "Thank you for inviting us." said Eric Yun Yeo-jeong of the at the end of 2011 " I went to Korea for the first time.It was really not more.선생님을 그 때 처음 뵌 것이다"라고 떠올렸다. The "Pleased to meet you, I want to tell you when the time of opportunity" said Yoon Yeo-jeong, "English only days away, suddenly I was supposed to interview people in the U.S. wasn't you?", and laughed.
에릭남은 "그 때 당시에는 전날에 대본이 나온다.아무리 공부를 해서 준비를 해도 다 처음 뵙는 분들이라 누군지도 잘 모르겠는데, 제가 너무 말을 못하다 보니까 엄청 긴장하고 질문도 잘 읽지 못했었다"고 말했고, 윤여정은 "내가 '나는 보통 아무에게나 친절하지 않아.I said ' you thought would be professional me that, laughed.

In Eric goodold boy, "We were very impressed", saying, "so nice" and were grateful.Yun Yeo-jeong said, our kids are actually good at Korean child who can speak Korean well, but I don't you like something 'I'm gon na help me' is kind of did the idea.
Yun Yeo-jeong, Eric goodold boy was thrilled "The teacher is real to me, did you tell me that's really impressed that he would answer all questions." high again and make idle remarks as "From now on you when I interview in English, please do".Eric goodold boy was a big smile, saying it "(any) anytime".
The 'An Unexpected Journey' broadcast to finish at the end.
Photo = a screen tvn