Shin Ji Soo is of going public with her daughter is look same actor [a = osen bakssoyeong].
Shin Ji Soo was his Instagram, the story, sleep less than six and a half.Funny.Look same with me, '' message and posted a picture together. very cheryeokjjeujilHis daughter in the picture is lie down for sleeping soundly in bed.
Shin Ji Soo married Lee Hi, November 2017, four years older than the music producer had a daughter the next year.5 years old daughter is healthy and beautiful, but I was more in child-rearing fell 35.7 kg.The physical stamina of this daughter as her mother. poor expression of fans burst into laughter.
Meanwhile, in 1998, ebs his debut with 'What is love' Shin Ji Soo is demonstrated his excellent acting skills at early age by the 2000 drama 'virtue' sbs the path of a child actress, a solid.그해에는 조성모의 '아시나요' 뮤직비디오에서 신민아의 동생으로 눈도장을 찍었고 2006년 KBS 2TV 드라마 '소문난 칠공주'에서는 종칠 역을 맡아 이승기와 유쾌한 러브라인을 그렸다.
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