[Cho Ji Young Korean sports reporter] singer and actress Yoon Eun-hye stars together a smile back to said.
Eunhye Yoon was 30, posted his pictures along with the words "Summer is coming.", through the sns.
Mint color dress shirt is Yoon Eun-hye stars together in the picture that is open to the hat match, Laughter is a moment in camera.I'm Kim Han, smiling again after being consumed by the relationship with her boyfriend attracted attention in.
앞서 윤은혜는 전 남자친구과의 열애 당시 일화를 자신의 유튜브 채널에 공개, 이후 네티즌을 통해 김종국이 방송에서 언급한 전 여자친구의 열애담과 유사한 사실이 밝혀지면서 김종국과 열애설에 휩싸였다.
Eunhye Yoon was also recently played ' the arts, mbc, What are you doing?' wsg Wan na be Anne Hathaway with true identity was revealed attracted the attention of the public.
▶ You don't know the man hiding a secret.