[Yuna Seo in the press news] Yu Jae-seok unrolls the history of the calibration of the imiju.
What are you doing playing? ' On May 28 broadcast of the arts, mbc'(below') 139 times ' nolmwo the imiju bukae yumiju as.
The yupalbong (Yu Jae-seok) said a seesaw and kwanmujin all two minutes, so I called a distant relative.Originally, the relatives I didn't expect you to join their partners introduced yumiju. "
Even hair ribbon traditional family, and Yumi shown shyly said, "How do you do?".I saw this yumiju haa " You're the equal of his mouth.It's mouth is a Yoo, " find similarities to yupalbong yumiju the false scent.
Yumi, which was amused at the "(history) the house, family." he said, is refused and "not the same.", but yupalbong이어 "미주가 지금은 교정을 해서 그런데 옛날엔 이가 돌아가 있었다.In general, our village front teeth are at variance, as the Timber exposed.
Haha and Shin Bong Sun, "the crane?" "To be honest, her bottle to eat breakfast?" the high laugh to a joke.What are you doing playing? ' (Photo : mbc' capture)