[a = osen hasujeong] for the unexpected death is a member of the group to invite friends and fans in shock, and star couple had been waiting for second son for giving birth to healthy and earning the congratulations of many people.Korean-American actor here, Rising Sun Flag and re-press the 'Okay' at the center of controversy in the picture.A wordy and, to n the entertainment industry years ago, who had a lot of the incidents of the day, I have gathered.
# 2021, May 13.
Yoon (real name yunjaeung), I heard the singer MC the Max a trio of Group members had suddenly died the entertainment industry colleagues and fans in the grips of a great sadness.At the age of 38 years old
MC the Max 325 ENC to agency is "I heard the singer Yoon was no longer with us on May 13." and 325 ENC sudden sad news to the MC the Max member and grief in the mourning the dead all employees.Jay-Z to his unstinting support and love you send me the sad news to fans with great pleasure that I so a heavy heart, let me know. The "I heard the singer Yoon to take a rest in peace to speculative articles to the bereaved left, and for the soul of the deceased. I sincerely ask you you tone it down." he added.
High (late) Jay-Z to his Instagram Yoon is a month ago, always a good picture to a great deal of trouble for the staff.Thank you very much " with a photo update news because of his death was more'm sorry.

# May 13, 2019.
Han Ga-in ♥ Yeon Jeong-hoon, couple have been blessed with, with second child in her arms.
The two married in April 2005, the first time in 11 years, had given birth to her first daughter from April 2016.I give birth to a second son in the next three years became the parents of children.
Han Ga-in's agency is "2:00 p.m. at the 13th, gave birth to healthy boys somewhere in Seoul." and "Now she and taking a child is all very healthy, and stability and recovery." entertainment bh said.
Brother and sister was working on childcare Web entertainment 'a civilization.' and she recently sbs sbs, such as 'circle House' in and reversal of charm, and in particular, kbs school 'Night 2 Days' to Yeon Jeong-hoon, who starred with and attracted the attention of the public.

# on May 13, 2018.
Mid 'The Walking Dead', 'discovered the' 'burning' 'Minari' Steven famous in Korea, as a kite Rising Sun Flag and netizens ' criticism poured forth the relevant 'Okay' in the picture.
Stephen Institute director, Joe Lynch, the childhood clothes and taken in Rising Sun Flag patterns, alias 'The Rising Sun Flag', and press the 'Okay' started.Also, Stephen kite is an apology can go up, delete only controversy.
Seo Gyeong-deok, which 'a war crimes around the world eradication campaign' the professor is not spoken of much criticism, saying that to earnestly reflect and apologize.
The kite got attention with the Cannes Film Festival, where officially invited pieces is 'burning' starring Steve at the time, some netizens were 'burning' the boycott said that not even come up with a manifesto on.
Go After all, Stephen, " In recent years, I think poorly and the acquaintance of the childhood photos posted to Instagram, press the 'Okay'. 저의 무지함으로 사람들에게 상처를 준 것에 대해 정말 죄송하게 생각합니다"라며 "저의 실수, 특히 어떤 방식으로든 가볍게 다루어서는 안 되는 역사의 상징에 대한 부주의가 얼마나 사람들에게 깊은 영향을 미치는지 배우게 됐습니다"라고 2차 사과문을 남겼다.
이어 "많은 사람들과 팬 분들의 걱정스러운 메시지로 인해 이 문제에 대한 저의 무지함을 깨닫게 됐고, 제가 처음에 급하게 올린 사과문이 더 많은 아픔과 실망을 드렸음을 알게 됐습니다. 상처 입은 분들께 사과드립다"라며 "한국계 미국인의 정체성을 가진 사람으로서, 이 문제를 제대로 이해하려고 노력했어야 함에도 그러지 못한 점 다시 한 번 사과드립니다.This became an important learning process for me.I promise I will not commit the same mistake again.I sincerely apologize, '', bowed his head.
[picture] osen db.