Kim Tschang Yeul, a blank test strips a son, Zhu Huan, sob and know the truth..."I thought that I could if you stand me." ('Oh Eun-young gold piece of advice office.').

[Ten Asian press : sinjiwon]

'Oh Eun-young gold piece of advice office.' (Photo : TV screen capture).

Zhu Huan, his son Kim Tschang Yeul singer was sorry the blank test of his facts.

A general service channel broadcast, a 'Oh Eun-young gold piece of advice office.' Kim Tschang Yeul and his family emerged as a guest.

Kim Tschang Yeul, means poor in the over the surface of the 'changnyeolhada' for the expression " At first, not angry but I don't like.The good meaning, you can change whether or not?Matter-of-factly said.

In Dr. Oh isn't real bad mood?"he said," This is just belittling the pain to right.The feelings I think you can't do more face also very much is distressing. " he added.

Not a good job who was outside the family neundadeon, Kim Tschang Yeul said is suffering from outside of my work we didn't say very well at home.Especially, and we didn't say a bad thing.Zhu Huan is think it will be aware of this situation, injured in the growing adolescent years refused to touch I think I'll be " said why not mention it.

Dr. Oh said, " I heard this unspecified majority were difficult to explain the situation for the public, should have been talking to her family, see.Zhu Huan, Internet will be heard by mouth or a third person better spent elsewhere. "

Zhu Huan County, meanwhile, said, my sns even those who post abusive messages on the abuse was coming up.Lest it should see my children up and comments as soon as I only asked for.Why ssnyanikka, called 'Sure because there are sins' ... " due to stress tests also mention that he had led to a clean slate.

Belatedly found that Kim Tschang Yeul were tears, saying, "I think things will go on smoothly, Zhu Huan, have to think that I was more patient than I hold" and Zhu Huan County Cort Haddon, " My dad is wrong or me, dad is not the daddy don't care about it.Hot embrace. " The two don't say understand.

Sinjiwon Ten Asian news .
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