- Jenny the resumption of the ... side by side, sns bwi'black and white photographs' the relationship silence broke.

▲ Bangtan Boys bwi (the left), Black and pink Jenny.출처| 뷔, 제니 인스타그램

[= Changjin, press for sporting news] relationships in the group Bangtan Boys member group a black Pink member Jenny and bwi sns side by side activities resumed.

Jenny, with photo images taken with a black Pink completely through his own sns his black-and-white photo released photographs taken alone.

After a while also released photographs in his own sns bwi.Stare with his chin propped a camera to photo of black and white photo.

Jenny last 22, an estimated two and bwi your Cheju island trip photo was released, pink got caught up in the relationship.한 누리꾼은 제주도 여행 중 찍은 영상에서 포착한 한 커플의 사진을 공개하며 "제니, 뷔 아니냐"라고 했고, 제니, 뷔와 꼭 닮은 옆모습에 두 사람이 열애 중이라는 소문이 퍼졌다.

G-Dragon and Jenny was until recently the Big Bang of devotion has been known.반면 지드래곤이 며칠 전 자신의 비공개 계정에서 제니를 언팔했다는 사실이 공개되며 두 사람의 결별설이 확산된 가운데, 제니가 뷔와 열애설에 휘말려 팬들의 궁금증이 더욱 증폭됐다.

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