[My press daily = Park Yoon Jin] rapper ferryman was finally opened her mouth.
" I'm sorry to trouble for to his Instagram, the boatman.제가 잘못한 부분에 대해서 사과하고 반성하겠습니다"라는 글을 올렸다.
뱃사공이 구체적으로 어떤 일에 대해 사과하는지는 밝히지 않았지만, 최근 일반인의 신체를 몰래 찍어 이를 유포했다는 폭로에 이름이 거론돼 온 만큼 이에 대한 사과문을 낸 것으로 보인다.
Don Mills over the past 10 days earlier posted a message revealing his wife was targeting the specific wrapper in the sns.
" a DM (dm), women and that only talking?Then phonecam and shared with people we didn't say things are?Conscientiously say that, I'd like to reflect on no I would have did it in the air, huh?", saying" Jung Joon-young different from what do I get?The brother had been too hard by suicide attempt, insisted.
Don Mills's wife is not to mention their real names, but Internet users from remarks made by the recent episode based on revelations have mentioned a ferryman.
[Instagram photo : ferryman].
). press (Park Yoon Jin