(ek sports news reporter an intern baengmingyeong) 'godingeomppa' revealed devastating experiences is yunminchae.
Be broadcast on July 15, a 29-year-old single mother and son 10 years old in arts programs 'Adults don't know godingeomppa' (less than 'godingeomppa') mbn yunminchae has appeared.
Yunminchae was given birth to a baby boy came up with the when.He said, " baby is a hundred days, children can send home.Do you money and supplies for 100 days before childbirth preparation, in the process of actually meeting that time is approaching my eyes water.Children and didn't want to fall.5 months that allow them to choose things became a single mother who can not stand center no longer endure it, it's okay to open up. The resulting in the title "In order to qualify in the center of a single mother studied." and said, "Nurse's aide, medical care, hospital coordinator, won the first grade keomhwal" to 'supermom' yunminchae.
Public. son is a large house to live and yunminchaeDuplex type structure in spacious living room and a hat at home (母子) of personal, private offices, private movie theater in the room.Followed by rice turned out to be the look of his son, who evokes surprise.Yunminchae is "started to do voluntarily since 6 years old Bob." and "meals to me sometimes." said.Rice cleaning the eggs perfectly shucked and jived. and the son of "I'll make next year, spring onion Gimchi," to the haa
Yunminchae is "I thought would when son returned home." and told us that the remote work."business consulting firm working in those start-up or auxiliary in charge of the founders of the customer care and care." he said.
"as a freelancer sns design blogs or working." and is yunminchae n jamneoim to.He was "I want to develop community to communicate are single, single mother, Papa." and "founder is being prepared." said."small and midsize venture gieoppu in preliminary start-up package passed the screening." and "preparing the presentation." on the status of the said.
Check the community to yunminchae a single message has come.Who is sending a message yunminchae a single mom, " such as single mother every night, and then shot that calling, katok.And I agreed a drink alone again and again the time, 'not hard to bring up children alone?', and mandeuryeo He said that he wanted to see and complained, said.
In yunminchae was angry and revealed his experiences.He was "The single mother, lonely, it's going to be easy, prejudiced, think." and said, " I think it is very rude.I felt bad and I did ' Why is this man to be treated like this?' I think that, story.
"courier driver will bring your bags to get a part-time job in the past." is yunminchae, " a single mum do you say that his attitude changed.The driver is 'There are a lot on your hostess bar with kids like' high and she said she was and suddenly my hand " raised anger.He said, " I father?A lot, a man who access, shock confession.
Photo = a screen mbn