[press news, bakssuin] actress Chae Jung-ahn flex the eyewear.
Chae Jung-an of their own YouTube channel 'Chae Jung-ahn tv' on May 5, titled 'In the summer of Chae Jung-an eyewear shop - v log' images were published.

Chae Jung-an the video eyewear for alterations and buy a contact lens wear stores looking for a child " This is my acquaintances where a lot of love.Don't you be such a mania fan.Acquaintances and dandies who is student here.I want to be well-dressed man is (I go.).I was 5 years ago.This is to make a reservation and should come.I'm just passing by, and not introduced, to come by.
Chae Jung-an, who wrote the various designs of expensive glasses on that day said, pretty.I didn't wearing glasses, so pretty pretty.It's like a little trendy, all right.I like it.Looks suddenly the smart people.Holic's for me. " and shopping in.

After all, Chae Jung-ahn a entertainer, a sunglasses, to Bridge clip frames and sunglasses, white frame glasses, a top school style to 456 million won, eyeglasses stronger consumption.
Chae Jung-an said, good.The calculation can do it now.I don't panic.Don't you know me.It is the daily "While I don't care," shopping here today.There is no time.I have to go as soon as possible.I'll go to the next schedule and dangerous, keep it, " he said.
" in the car after not down today, so I live around here.I didn't expect to "and" about this. you buy more depressing.I emphasized the original purpose of your visit, sicker to pick up a contact lens store.(photo = Chae Jung-ahn YouTube video capture).