[sbs the entertainment news has drawbacks to a reporter Kang Kyung Yoon] a dozen years of heartbreaking story to report the comedian and tens of millions of won the support for an outstanding channel a and joint production were made public in talk show 'by steaming and a bottleneck to couple' (less than 'Arrow couple.') ena
지난 28일 방송된 '애로부부'에 따르면 사연의 주인공인 여성은 개그맨 지망생이었던 남편을 대신해 만삭의 몸으로 시갇ㅇ에서 일하며 남편의 오디션 뒷바라지를 했다.아내의 헌신 끝에 남편은 한 방송사의 공채 개그맨 시험에 합격했으나 남편은 연예인이 된 뒤 여성 스태프와 불륜을 저지르고 생활비조차 주지 않았다. My husband is on his knees acknowledging and apologizing for the fact of adultery, but after his wife uibujeung the patient handling and violence.Maintenance payments eventually she wants is to violence and divorce on the condition that they pay the debt of 80 million won to borrow her husband's My Mommy.However, four years, her former husband is not paid a penny in maintenance and gone into hiding.My ex is a great success in business and entertainment activities to Incest girl in the high-end apartment and children, were married.
Maintenance payments two actually insult the person of the story calling for his wife.Or fake resident registration such as to circumvent any in and turn the property of thousands of her former husband.Even former husband is signed up to trial, support coordination with crocodile tears in front of the show where a judge and even cut in half the cost of parenting.My wife is bad, it had " The law received support from Father you can.When the battle of support with her former husband to win? " and plead with tears.
A connected person of the story her ex-husband developed a hatred for father, and also about by the violence found that the status of the mc raised'm sorry.
Legal advice in charge of gimyunjeong a lawyer is that " Management Service support for implementation.Application for enforcement is possible, but that order gamchi, revealing the list, driving license, driver's license can be, even criminal prosecutions suspended.Also, for up to one year certainly professional body to get counseling and support is also available in emergency support recommendation.Mc "panic disorder and depression and wish to receive the treatment to continue." is Yang Jae Jin and cheered.