[스포츠조선닷컴 정유나 기자] 웹툰 '여신강림' 야옹이 작가가 연인 전선욱 작가의 챙김에 고마움을 전했다.
Kitty his Instagram, 26, is my face is turned upside down and tickling have sunlight allergy sent my brother to buy drugs, but quick.Jelly also sent kilpo.With a photo with waste to see " the message out that too cute to be alone.
Released pictures of suffering from allergies in sunlight contains writers sent me to the author, kitty, drugs and jelly.Jeon Sun Wook is sending quick to drugs for sick loved ones and sappy the party creates to express one's mind.
한편 야옹이 작가는 웹툰 '프리드로우' 작가 전선욱과 공개 연애 중이다.
▶ You don't know the man hiding a secret.