(ek gimyeeun a sports news) actor Lee Pil-mo wife seosuyeon share our life and on weekends.
Seosuyeon his published writings and photos that "I'll finish up with ramen, accompained by Sunday today." on Instagram on the 10th.
Selfies and doing who-knows-what in the mirror at piting seosuyeon the room. pictures releasedRaised a smile the leg room curtain between the son damhoui piting.Especially to attract attention as a visual that do not believe that a pregnant woman is seosuyeon, too.
Fans of the seosuyeon, " Is pregnant women."," pregnant??Left comments on the very slim. ".
Meanwhile, Lee Pil-mo couple is blessed with his son and seosuyeon damho, second and awaiting the birth.
= seosuyeon Instagram pictures.