'a boy', 'Nine thirty' © 1 news.
(= 1 News, Seoul, Korea) Kim Min-ji Journalist : campaign drama fever has 12 episodes on TV.Ott the terrestrial, cable, cable channels can see a mini-series on the 12th inning in the common.
I usually drama miniseries was 10 to 12 episodes in the United States and Japan was common stereotype and to 16 episodes, but our country.This is the profit structure of broadcasting practice since the 1990s, have had been caused days of relying on the way advertising tv.But drama production and profit structure such as, by changing the organizational strategy is also changing.52 hours per week to 16 episodes due to the mini-series on the system to up to one year to at least six months is also a short episode from the Preference of influence.In recent years, eight to 12 episodes thanks to the miniseries is settled to the small screen.
It is the beginning of a drama shorter than the mini-series of 16 episodes, spreading ott.넷플릭스, 왓챠, 디즈니+, 애플TV 등 OTT들은 기존에 제작된 콘텐츠를 서비스하는 것과 별개로 자체 제작 콘텐츠를 만들었다.넷플릭스 '스위트홈' '킹덤' '인간수업', 왓챠 '좋좋소', '시멘틱 에러', 티빙 '술꾼도시여자들', 디즈니+ '그리드' 등이 각 OTT들의 오리지널 드라마들이 5~12부작으로 제작, 시청자들에게 제공됐고 이 작품들은 탄탄한 구성과 짜임새 있는 스토리로 호응을 얻었다.

Jtbc © 1 news.
Ott services local viewers by a variety of content, too, and the face of the characteristic short episode from series, and I got used to it.Accordingly, the domestic terrestrial and cable broadcasters are also actively seeking in short episode from series production and organization.In the last year alone, tvn 'Nabilera', kbs tv 'May's youth.', this year 'Moebius : a black sun', this year 'is look around', this year again this year, and was introduced on the 'Bad & Crazy' sbs jtbc, 'those who read out of mind', '30, nine.', sbs was shown to viewers, such as 'a boy'.Most pyeongta or more ratings and work with hearty approbation.
Industry watchers expect 12 drama is growing about the situation ' ' How do we look at.'a boy' iokkyu cp was "could as no surprise to move into a format familiar to consumers of the aftermath", saying, "I'm afraid not drama used to quick breaths instead of the content of 16 episodes viewers these days the trend for parts.", he explained. 이어 "예전에는 16부작이라는 정해진 형식에 작가들이 글을 맞췄다면, 지금은 환경도 바뀌고 소재도 다양해져서 이야기의 사이즈에 따라 '어떻게 이야기를 펼치고 마무리하는 것이 재미있을까'를 기준으로 분량이 결정되는 것 같다"라며 "앞으로도 짧은 회차의 드라마가 늘어날 것"이라고 전망했다.

Sbs 'those who read out of mind' © 1 news.
In addition, locally produced abroad through the dramas are ott as insignificant amount of content rather than increase the quality of the more important to concentrate on the situation.'
Kim Se Ah's '30, nine.' ep said, "I think 12 drama, ' ' The disappearance of the issues that should fill the amount if you can focus on the main characters ' epic.".The "like episode from different in the future of the drama will be created." "The family drama to the sentiments of our existing amount of water or the epic genre is maintained, but to focus on a play episode from reduced work are also likely to emerge", pull.
Jung Duk Hyun critic said, it's worth is not decisive factor.The mini-series, about 16 to 20 and his wife, ' ' The rules mean gone. ", saying" terrestrial broadcasting stations remains the framework of 16 episodes yet, but flexibility is partly fictitious. "The "ott content viewers to the influence of short dramas, too, without patterns used to, on the density of work will want more" he said, "lean forward a short episode from the content of the seems to be the massive number of" said.