[Moon Ji Yeon the sports news] 'circle House' of the final was drawn.The final is the highest rating at 6 % per minute and with an average 3.6 percent finish.(Nielsen, national standard)
28, televised sbs 'circle House' is 'the most difficult homework, and she wants to be my mom in the world' on an adult, love relationship with my mother is more difficult and unfair because they gathered in one place.No hearing the topic was with a sigh, " we should be ashamed of.I'm not the only one to do everything to parents ", D-Nev" (At home,) quiet.I don't do the story, confided an unexpected relationship with parents.On the other hand, rijeongeun, " I think 100 points.Mom and Dad said so himself ", saying" like car I've changed in recent years and attract a devoted daughter, told me proud.
엄마와의 문제로 고민하는 써클러들로는 24시간 감시하는 CCTV 엄마와의 갈등을 가진 '환승연애' 출연자 코코와 얼굴조차 기억나지 않는 친엄마에 대한 고민을 가진 '태권트롯맨' 나태주, 내 눈치를 보는 엄마 때문에 섭섭한 AOA 찬미, 어머니가 돌아가신 후 홀로 남은 아버지에게 좋은 아들이 되고 싶은 '막둥이'가 등장했다.They are 'mom' and disclosed the story of each associated with empathy talk to.
32 years old this year, she was young, lived a mother and two in the United States as a daughter is worried mother eventually returned to Korea, too, and returned home because her ever since surveillance began, saying 'so protective' story said.Five Ws when going out all contact details of the question, of course, she even mommy copies it and that No story is "whether or not to come home" and was shocked.Coco is "Mom is waiting for me and only look at me that sometimes very stuffy." and her mother's obsession to feel cramped on an appeal to the camera test released, and she said, " Don't be stuffy.My mom is, happiness and that obsession rather than protection that the tension to cite the conflict.The Coco's mother is "My mom has lived for you to all her life." and "Nak Eun of you is pretty and went out and pretty and good.", the tears. For his daughter, Coco the single boosim Oh Eun-young, said in the larger story that mother love with a daughter is right.But the most important thing is comfortable when the relationship between parents and children together. "and" of his adult children are attached next to, not comfortable.Parents, kids grow up with growth, according to age I should comment on her parents, who should have a different attitude.Dr. Oh Eun-young, saying "I was wondering about their children asking salers sure can't believe it's different." children by the attitude of parents don't trust the ability to solve a problem in sharp, pointed out.Also like Dr. Oh Eun-young, " Will you pose (children) to believe.(the) 'what is mom well, so I can now go into the world.' of Coco and a mother you'll have to accept, instead of with a message.
Praise aoa 15 starting troubles on the relation of mother and daughter who stops in 10 years ago as a trainee life.Chanmi's Mom is providing a haven for young people who need the help of man and a child serve more than 200 people, but admiration in the course of time, so cautious praise is difficult for me?' I said that a light heart. 오은영 박사는 그동안 여러 아이들에게 '엄마'의 역할을 해주던 찬미의 엄마가 정작 찬미와 시간을 보내는 것은 부족했을 것이라면서, 그동안 말하지 못했던 아픔을 서로 위로하며 엄마와 마주보는 시간을 가지는 것을 추천했다.
'Taekwon teuronmaen' nataeju the six young mother and father split up, aunt and my father had a brother and sister nataeju your story called 'My mom is six' said."You married a woman who is very hard." Lynn says that " many people around the mother-in-law is nataeju the alternative is a few minutes, but not a problem at all.Come to his married the newlyweds ' home, my aunts is not the people there. " kind of explanation and laugh.
The nataeju is also have to find a mother who can't remember his face were separated during the five or six years old about troubles." As a child is nataeju internal concerns very much.'He is very sick, but I'm all right here.', and it's without my mother choked back tears, added'm sorry to the chest.
While expressing sympathy "heart is sorry that I was to show that it is difficult to my father and six of my aunts.", " painful but aunt and mother of Dr. Oh Eun-young is different.It is also important to consider, but the most important thing is your mind of my aunts will choose for, " he suggested to follow.특히, 나태주가 오은영 박사의 솔루션을 따라 본인의 마음을 성찰해보고, 다른 누군가가 아닌 '내가 원해서'일 때 친모를 찾겠다 결정하는 순간은 분당 최고 시청률 6%로 최고의 1분을 차지했다.
그동안 수많은 대한민국 MZ세대의 진솔한 사연을 진심 어린 위로로 보듬어준 오은영 박사와 이승기, 한가인, 노홍철, 리정은 "써클을 통해서 우리가 다른 사람을 이해하고, 생각이 달라도 조율하고, 화해도 했다.'circle House' it is or where we are only willing to listen to each other's stories all, " said goodbye.
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