Binary, this friend on New York life...김치 못 잊어 "잘 먹을게요"

[The Sports Chosun a dot-com jeonganji] in binary from female vocal group still reveals love Korean food.

" full of heart by his Instagram 28 story is a binary kimchi.I'll eat well, " said publishing photographs.

Binary in the picture from Kimchi contains a wide acquaintance.Love Korean food which second-string, which is still part of the United States in New York life after marriage.As filled with great enough to stimulate their appetite to see Kimchi.In binary, add emoticons, Chuck "I'll eat well" she remembered your thumb and showed his appreciation.

Meanwhile, the binary in the last financial sector workers, 2016, men and currently living in New York to marry.In 2019 jtbc 'Camping club' Finkle appeared as the whole issue in the collection it.

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