'All the butler' → join forces snipers on Tuesday, defying predictions, Eun Ji-won.."Let's verification"

[Herold pop a = jeonghyeyeon] sbs ‘All the butler’ Eun Ji-won is on board.

17 to sbs to be aired (work) ‘All the butler’ Eun Ji-won is joined in spotlighting was drawn to 'master a sniper'.

Eun Ji-won is new in the youngest (a forecast released earlier, images?) as attracted is drawn on interest.Eun Ji-won's appearance at his best friend said, "My brother is here why, without the will of the learning"

It is Eun Ji-won of this raised a laugh with the unexpected words, saying, "try of the verification of the beggar master".In Lee laughed, saying "All the butler is wondering which direction will pass.".Indeed, Eun Ji-won is his own film scenes, an outspoken words from becoming a ‘master a sniper’, is said that he had to come together.

Meanwhile, radio, and double room!"," Mapo Bridge was corrupt? " A famous line, such as machine actor Kim Eung Soo Sobouraud' interest.Kim Eung Soo the spring as a ‘in the spring of romance master’ that created a special will be the time.In addition, Monstar, Joo Hun, disciples of daily increase expectations is dealt with not more to do together.

In college, was able to walk the path of Eun Ji-won, Tampa Bay Rays sbs to (work) ‘All the butler’ is 17th 6:30 p.m. broadcast.
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