SBS '돌싱포맨' 방송화면 캡처Screen capture of SBS "Dolling For Man".
[헤럴드POP=원해선 기자] 김완선이 박서준이 아닌 탁재훈을 선택했다.[Herald Pop = Reporter Won Hae-sun] Kim Wan-sun chose Tak Jae-hoon, not Park Seo-joon.
25일 방송된 SBS 예능 프로그램 ‘신발 벗고 돌싱포맨’에서는 돌싱 멤버들의 모습이 그려졌다.On SBS's entertainment program "Dolling for Man Without Shoes," which aired on the 25th, the members of Dolsing were depicted.
박해미는 스스로 에브리데이 팜므파탈이라 말한 적 있냐는 질문에 민망해했고, 황석정과 하은섬은 “가만히 있어도.When Park Hae-mi was asked if she had ever said "Everyday femme fatale," Hwang Seok-jeong and Ha Eun-seom said, "Even if I stay still. 여자든 남자든 다 똑같이 반하는 게 있다”, “한숨도 야하다 이 언니”라고 말했다.Both women and men have the same thing," she said. "She's hot-tempered."
이에 돌싱멤버들은 “어떻게 한숨을 쉬길래 한숨이 야하냐”라며 의아해했고, 이를 하은섬이 따라해 웃음을 안겼다.In response, the Dolsing members wondered, "How did you sigh so that your sigh was sexy?" and Ha Eun-seom copied it and made them laugh.
탁재훈은 김완선에 “저랑 커플룩 입고 온 거냐.Tak Jae-hoon said to Kim Wan-sun, "Are you wearing a couple look with me?" 정보가 샜다.The information leaked. 벌써부터 커플 하면 안 된다”라고 너스레를 떨었고, 이에 이상민이 나서 “혼자 앞질러 가지 마라”라고 막아섰다.He already said, "You shouldn't be a couple," and Lee Sang-min blocked it by saying, "Don't go ahead of yourself."
김준호는 “누나가 한 살 더 어리지 않냐.Kim Joon-ho said, "Aren't you a year younger? 누나 완전 스타였을 때”라며 과거 활동당시를 궁금해했다.When my sister was a total star," she said, wondering about her past activities. 김완선은 “타이밍이 저랑 안 맞았다”라며 이상민, 탁재훈과 활동시기가 겹치지 않았다고 말했다.Kim Wan-sun said, "The timing didn't match me," adding, "The timing didn't overlap with Lee Sang-min and Tak Jae-hoon."
탁재훈은 “제가 좋아했다 어렸을 때부터”라면서 “만인의 여자친구였지만 내 거였다”라고 적극적으로 호감을 드러냈다.Tak Jae-hoon said, "I liked it since I was young," and actively expressed his likes, saying, "It was everyone's girlfriend, but it was mine."
김완선은 “50억 빚이 있는 박서준과 빚이 없고 1분 1초를 쉴 틈 없이 웃겨 주는 탁재훈” 밸런스 게임에서 탁재훈을 선택해 눈길을 끌었다.Kim Wan-sun drew attention by choosing Tak Jae-hoon in the balance game, "Park Seo-joon, who owes 5 billion won, and Tak Jae-hoon, who has no debt and laughs every minute and second without a break." 이어 “5억이면 박서준 하겠는데 50억이면”이라고 덧붙여 폭소를 유발했다.He then added, "If it's 500 million won, I'll do Park Seo-joon, but if it's 5 billion won," causing laughter.
탁재훈은 “나랑 예전에 소주까지 마셨다 둘이”라고 밝혀 주변을 놀라게 했다.Tak Jae-hoon surprised people around him by saying, "You two even drank soju with me before." 하지만 김완선은 기억하지 못했고, 탁재훈은 당시 나눴던 대화 내용까지 기억하고 있었다.However, Kim Wan-sun did not remember, and Tak Jae-hoon even remembered the conversation we had at the time.
한편 ‘신발 벗고 돌싱포맨’은 행복에 목마른 네 남자의 토크쇼다.Meanwhile, "Dolling Four Men" is a talk show of four men thirsty for happiness.