'당신의 결혼은 안녕하십니까' 25일 방송"Your Wedding Hello" airs on the 25th.

SBS플러스 '당신의 결혼은 안녕하십니까' 캡처Capture SBS Plus's "Your Marriage is Hello".
(서울=뉴스1) 박하나 기자 = '당신의 결혼은 안녕하십니까' 빨강 아내가 남편의 폭언에 상처받은 경험을 고백했다.(Seoul=News1) Reporter Park Ha-na = "How is your marriage?" The red wife confessed her experience of being hurt by her husband's abusive language.
25일 오후에 방송된 SBS플러스, SmileTV Plus 예능 프로그램 '당신의 결혼은 안녕하십니까'(이하 '당결안')에서는 배우자의 상처를 들여다보는 시간을 가졌다.SBS Plus and SmileTV Plus entertainment programs "How is your marriage" (hereinafter referred to as "Party Resolution"), which aired on the afternoon of the 25th, had time to look into the wounds of their spouses.
빨강 부부의 아내는 출산 일주일 전까지 학원을 운영했다고 운을 뗐다.The Red couple's wife said she had run an academy a week before giving birth. 육아에 전념하기 위해 폐업을 선택했고, 이에 더는 학생을 받지 않고 남은 학원생 3명의 입시를 책임졌다고.He chose to close his business to concentrate on childcare, and he was responsible for the entrance examination of the remaining three academy students without receiving any more students. 그러나 남편은 아내의 폐업을 두고 "네가 만약에 잘했다면 학생도 많았을 거고 폐업 안 해도 됐을걸?However, regarding his wife's closure, the husband said, "If you did well, there would have been a lot of students and you wouldn't have to close your business."이라며 "넌 실패자", "바퀴벌레만도 못한 존재다"라고 막말을 퍼부었다고 전해져 충격을 안겼다.It was shocking to hear that he said, "You are a failure," and "You are no better than a cockroach."
아내는 "태어나서 처음 들은 말, 충격적이었다"라고 밝히며 "감기약 3일 치를 한꺼번에 복용했다, 일어나고 싶지 않았다, 내 몸을 자해했던 것 같다"라고 털어놔 안타까움을 자아냈다.My wife said, "The first thing I heard in my life, it was shocking," adding, "I took three days' worth of cold medicine at once, didn't want to wake up, and I think I hurt myself."
한편 SBS플러스, SmileTV Plus '당신의 결혼은 안녕하십니까 2'는 다양한 갈등으로 고민 중인 부부들의 행복을 찾기 위한 부부관계 최종점검 리얼리티 프로그램으로 매주 화요일 오후 10시에 방송된다.Meanwhile, SBS Plus and SmileTV Plus' "Hello, Your Marriage 2" is a reality program for final inspection of marital relationships to find the happiness of couples suffering from various conflicts and airs every Tuesday at 10 p.m.

SBS플러스 '당신의 결혼은 안녕하십니까' 캡처Capture SBS Plus's "Your Marriage is Hello".
(서울=뉴스1) 박하나 기자 = '당신의 결혼은 안녕하십니까' 빨강 아내가 남편의 폭언에 상처받은 경험을 고백했다.(Seoul=News1) Reporter Park Ha-na = "How is your marriage?" The red wife confessed her experience of being hurt by her husband's abusive language.
25일 오후에 방송된 SBS플러스, SmileTV Plus 예능 프로그램 '당신의 결혼은 안녕하십니까'(이하 '당결안')에서는 배우자의 상처를 들여다보는 시간을 가졌다.SBS Plus and SmileTV Plus entertainment programs "How is your marriage" (hereinafter referred to as "Party Resolution"), which aired on the afternoon of the 25th, had time to look into the wounds of their spouses.
빨강 부부의 아내는 출산 일주일 전까지 학원을 운영했다고 운을 뗐다.The Red couple's wife said she had run an academy a week before giving birth. 육아에 전념하기 위해 폐업을 선택했고, 이에 더는 학생을 받지 않고 남은 학원생 3명의 입시를 책임졌다고.He chose to close his business to concentrate on childcare, and he was responsible for the entrance examination of the remaining three academy students without receiving any more students. 그러나 남편은 아내의 폐업을 두고 "네가 만약에 잘했다면 학생도 많았을 거고 폐업 안 해도 됐을걸?However, regarding his wife's closure, the husband said, "If you did well, there would have been a lot of students and you wouldn't have to close your business."이라며 "넌 실패자", "바퀴벌레만도 못한 존재다"라고 막말을 퍼부었다고 전해져 충격을 안겼다.It was shocking to hear that he said, "You are a failure," and "You are no better than a cockroach."
아내는 "태어나서 처음 들은 말, 충격적이었다"라고 밝히며 "감기약 3일 치를 한꺼번에 복용했다, 일어나고 싶지 않았다, 내 몸을 자해했던 것 같다"라고 털어놔 안타까움을 자아냈다.My wife said, "The first thing I heard in my life, it was shocking," adding, "I took three days' worth of cold medicine at once, didn't want to wake up, and I think I hurt myself."
한편 SBS플러스, SmileTV Plus '당신의 결혼은 안녕하십니까 2'는 다양한 갈등으로 고민 중인 부부들의 행복을 찾기 위한 부부관계 최종점검 리얼리티 프로그램으로 매주 화요일 오후 10시에 방송된다.Meanwhile, SBS Plus and SmileTV Plus' "Hello, Your Marriage 2" is a reality program for final inspection of marital relationships to find the happiness of couples suffering from various conflicts and airs every Tuesday at 10 p.m.