이승기 "내가 X신이라 주변까지 피해 입혀, 스트레스로 두피에 화장까지"…Lee Seung-gi "I'm X-god, so I'm causing damage to my surroundings, stress, scalp, and even makeup."후크 분쟁 심경How the Hook conflict is going.

[스포츠조선닷컴 이게은기자] 가수 겸 배우 이승기가 전 소속사와의 분쟁 심경을 밝혔다.Singer and actor Lee Seung-ki expressed his feelings about the dispute with his former agency.

31일 이승기의 소속사 '휴먼메이드' 채널에는 '다시 노래하다'라는 제목의 영상이 공개됐다.On the 31st, a video titled "Sing Again" was released on Lee Seung-ki's agency "HumanMade" channel.

이승기는 지인들에게 "영화 찍을 때 전 소속사랑 공방을 벌이지 않았나.Lee Seung-gi told his acquaintances, "Didn't you have a quarrel with your ex-company when you were filming the movie?" 힘들어 죽을 정도는 아니라고 생각했는데 머리로 열이 다 올라오더라.I didn't think I was going to die from exhaustion, but I had a fever all over my head. 엄청 붉어졌다.It turned red. 스님 역할이었는데 머리 메이크업을 다 하고 촬영했다"며 엄청난 스트레스를 받았다고 언급했다."I played the role of a monk, but I filmed it with all my hair and makeup done," he said, noting that he was under tremendous stress. 또 전 소속사를 떠올리며 "오래된 인연이어서 나쁜 것만 있던 건 아니다.Recalling his former agency, he also said, "There were not only bad things because it was an old relationship. 좋은 게 있었으니까 믿었고 그래서 관계가 유지됐다.There was something good, so I believed it, so the relationship was maintained. 근데 내게 보여줬던 열정과 애정이 이렇게 하기 위한 밑그림이었나, 의심마저 하게 되는 상황이 제일 슬펐다"고 밝혔다.However, I was most saddened by the situation where I even doubted whether the passion and affection that I had shown me was a sketch for doing this."

그러면서 "몇 년 지나 처음으로 (프로듀서) 형한테 줘야 될 돈을 다 안 준 걸 그때 처음 들었다."That was the first time I heard that I didn't give all the money I had to give to my brother (producer) for the first time a few years later years. 너무 서럽고 내가 용기 내지 못하고 X신처럼 있어서, 내 주변 사람들이 다 나뿐만 아니라 피해를 보고 있구나 그 생각이 들었다.It was so sad and I couldn't take courage and was like God X, so I thought that everyone around me was suffering not only from me. 그래서 뭔가 확 올라와서 많이 울었다"며 "그때 명확히 알았다.So I cried a lot when something came up," he said. "I knew it clearly then. '이 사람들은 날 위하지 않는구나."These people are not for me. 나에 대한 게 진심이 아니다.' 그래서 정신 차리기 시작했던 거다.I'm not serious about myself.' That's why I started to wake up. 그 후부터 음원료에 대해서 더 명확히 왜 안 주시냐를 물어봤던 거기도 하다"고 떠올렸다.After that, I asked him why he didn't give me music fees more clearly."

이승기는 "이런 시련이 없었으면 내 인생이 행복하지 않았을 것 같다.Lee Seung-ki said, "Without this ordeal, my life would not have been happy. 행복해지기 위해 필요한 경험이었던 것 같다.I think it was a necessary experience to be happy. 요즘 처음으로 올곧은 감정으로 인격체로 살아가는 것 같다.These days, I feel like I'm living as a person with straight feelings for the first time. 안정적이고 자신감도 생겼다"고 이야기했다.It's stable and I feel more confidence."

한편 이승기는 전 소속사 후크엔터테인먼트와 음원 미정산 등 문제를 두고 법적 공방을 벌이고 있으며 배우 이다인과 오는 4월 7일 결혼한다.Meanwhile, Lee Seung-ki is engaged in a legal battle with his former agency, Hook Entertainment, over pending music payments, and will marry actor Lee Da-in on April 7.

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