[스포츠조선 고재완 기자] 김재중이 중고거래에 나서는 반전 일상으로 소탈한 인간미를 풍긴다.[Sports Chosun reporter Ko Jae-wan] Kim Jae-joong's unexpected daily life in used transactions is full of humanity.
29일 방송하는 채널A '요즘 남자 라이프-신랑수업(이하 '신랑수업')' 57회에서는 평소 중고거래를 즐기는 김재중의 리얼 하루가 펼쳐져 시선을 강탈한다.In the 57th episode of Channel A's "Men's Life-Groom Class (hereinafter referred to as "Groom Class"), which airs on the 29th, Kim Jae-joong's real day of enjoying used transactions is held to steal attention.
이날 김재중은 자택 드레스룸에 들어가, 안 입어서 정리해야할 옷들을 하나 둘씩 꺼낸다.On this day, Kim Jae-joong enters his home dressing room and takes out clothes one by one that need to be organized because he doesn't wear them. 이 모습을 지켜보던 '신랑즈' 이규한은 "'더 글로리' 연진이(임지연) 드레스룸이랑 똑같다"며 뜬금포 '매의 눈'을 풀가동시킨다.Lee Kyu-han, the "groom" who was watching this, suddenly operates the "hawk's eyes" in full operation, saying, "It's the same as the dress room of Yeon-jin (Lim Ji- 뒤이어 김재중은 중고거래 앱을 통해 판매할 물품들을 모아서 거실에 늘어놓는다.Kim Jae-joong then collects and arranges items to be sold through a used trading app in the living room. 그중에는 '돈 세는 기계'는 물론, 명품 신발, 무선 청소기 등 '잇템'들이 포함돼 있었고, '멘토즈' 한고은-이승철 등은 "저런 거 우리한테 팔지.Among them were "items" such as luxury shoes and wireless vacuum cleaners as well as "money counting machines," and "mentos" Han Go-eun and Lee Seung-cheol said, "They sell those things to us. 우선권을 줘야죠~"라며 찐 욕심을 드러내 웃음을 자아낸다."We have to give priority to them," he said, expressing his true greed, drawing laughter.
잠시 후, 김재중은 직접 중고 물품의 사진을 찍으며 "완벽 그 잡채!"를 외치는데, 이때 김재중의 절친 형이 깜짝 방문한다.After a while, Kim Jae-joong takes a picture of the used goods himself and shouts, "The perfect japchae!" At this time, Kim Jae-joong's best friend makes a surprise visit. 절친 형은 김재중과 함께 중고거래 앱에 내놓을 옷들의 '착장샷'을 찍는다.The best friend's brother and Kim Jae-joong take "clothes shots" of clothes to be released on used trading apps. 그러던 중, 김재중은 "사실 나 중고거래 앱에서 급 만남으로 술까지 같이 먹었는데, 끝까지 내가 누군지 모르더라"며 과거 '굴욕 썰'(?)을 셀프 폭로한다.Meanwhile, Kim Jae-joong self-discloses the past 'humiliation story' by saying, "In fact, I even drank together on a second-hand transaction app, but I didn't know who I was until the end."