[마이데일리 = 김나라 기자] '일타 스캔들'이 최종회를 앞두고 개연성을 잃은 허술한 전개로 시청자들의 비판을 받고 있다.[My Daily = Reporter Kim Na-ra] "One Hit Scandal" is being criticized by viewers for its sloppy development that has lost its probability ahead of the final episode.
4일 오후 방송된 케이블채널 tvN 토일드라마 '일타 스캔들' 15회에선 '쇠구슬 연쇄살인범' 지동희(정성현 역, 신재하)의 최후가 그려졌다.In the 15th episode of the cable channel tvN's Saturday drama "One Hit Scandal," which aired on the afternoon of the 4th, the end of Ji Dong-hee (played by Jung Sung-hyun, Shin Jae-ha) was depicted.
그간 지동희는 최치열(정경호)과 과거가 엮인 '쇠구슬 연쇄살인범'으로 극의 큰 축을 담당했던 바.Until now, Ji Dong-hee has been in charge of the big axis of the play as a "iron bead serial killer" in which Choi Chi-yeol (Jung Kyung-ho) and the past are intertwined. 주인공 남해이(전도연)·최치열 로맨스 분량보다 치중되어 시청자들의 원성을 살 정도였다.The main characters, Nam Hae-yi (Jeon Do-yeon) and Choi Chi-yeol, were more focused on romance, drawing complaints from viewers. 그러나 15회 내리 잔뜩 반전 분위기를 조성하고 비중 있게 다뤄진 것이 무색하게, 지동희의 최후는 극단적 선택으로 '사망' 엔딩을 맞이한 것이었다.However, in the 15th inning, it was overshadowed that it created an atmosphere of reversal and was dealt with heavily, and Ji Dong-hee's end was the "death" ending with an extreme choice. 특히나 최치열만 모르고 있던 그 정체를 마침내 알게 되어 대면한 순간이기에, 허무함을 더했다.In particular, it added to the emptiness because it was the moment when only Choi Chi-yeol finally learned about the identity and faced it. 지동희 캐릭터는 "누나가 믿고 내가 믿는 유일한 어른이니까, 난 선생님을 지키려고 선생님한테 거슬리는 건 모든 걸 제외했는데.Ji Dong-hee's character said, "Because you're the only adult I trust and believe in, I excluded everything that bothers me to protect you." 그 여자(남행선)만 안 나타났으면 아무 문제 없었다"라고 돌연 '미저리'로 붕괴된 뒤 "지킬 게 없어.If she hadn't appeared, there wouldn't have been a problem," she suddenly collapsed into Misery and said, "There's nothing to protect." 이제 너무 피곤해"라며 최치열 앞에서 스스로 목숨을 끊었다.I'm so tired now," he said, killing himself in front of Choi Chi-yeol.
이에 시청자들은 "작가님이 쇠구슬 맞았나요?", "진짜 자살로 보내는 건 아니었다", "점점 전개가 이상하다", "작가님 실망", "진심 당황스럽네", "시작은 창대하나 끝은 미약하다", "요즘 드라마 왜 이럴까.In response, viewers said, "Was the writer hit a chain?" "I didn't really send it to suicide," "The development is getting weird," "The writer is disappointed," "I'm genuinely embarrassed," "The beginning is prosperous, but the end is weak," "What's wrong with the drama these days?" '재벌집 막내아들'이 떠오른다", "살다 살다 이런 마무리 처음", "진짜 재밌게 보고 있었는데 막판에 이러기 있기?", "급하다 급해."The youngest son of a conglomerate comes to mind," "First time to wrap up like this in my life," "I was really enjoying watching it, but can I do this at the end?" "I'm in a hurry." 내용이 막 급해", "할 말이 없다" 등 황당하다는 반응이다.They say the content is absurd, such as "I'm in a hurry" and "I have nothing to say."
뿐만 아니라 남행선 동생 남재우(오의식)와 남행선의 친구 김영주(이봉련)는 기어코 커플로 발전, '뜬금포'의 정점을 찍었다.In addition, Nam Jae-woo (Oh Sik), the younger brother of the southbound line, and Kim Young-joo (Lee Bong-ryeon), a friend of the southbound line, developed into a couple and reached the peak of "out of nowhere." 가족 같은 남매 케미를 보였던 이들이 갑자기 12회에서 묘한 기류를 형성하더니, 15회에선 돌연 사랑 고백으로 러브라인의 급물살을 탔다.Those who showed brother and sister chemistry like a family suddenly formed a strange atmosphere in the 12th episode, and in the 15th episode, they suddenly became a love line with a confession of love. 남재우는 김영주가 선을 본다는 말에 "가지 마. 내가 생각해 봤는데 나 누나 좋아한다.Nam Jae-woo said, "Don't go. I thought about it, but I like my sister." 남행선 누나처럼 좋은 건지, 그거랑 다르게 좋은 건지는 잘 모르겠지만 누나가 자꾸 신경 쓰이고 자꾸자꾸 걱정된다.I'm not sure if it's as good as my southbound sister or different from that, but I'm constantly worried about her. 그리고 누나가 선 보러 가는 거 진짜 진짜 싫다.And I really hate it when my sister goes to the line. 이거(낙지) 먹으면 누나랑 사귀는 거지?If I eat this (nakji), I'm dating her, right? 맞지? 나 누나 좋아해"라고 사랑꾼으로서 폭주했다."Right? I like you, sister," he said, as a lover.
지동희의 사망보다 충격 반전이라는 지적이 대다수.Most point out that it is more shocking than Ji Dong-hee's death. 시청자들은 "용두사미 졸작.Viewers said, "It's a poor production of Yongdu Sami. 이것저것 엮으려고 애쓴다 참", "'영(주)재(우) 커플 결사 반대!", "이건 너무 억지다", "너무 급하게 러브라인 생겨난 거 같아서 이상하다", "러브라인은 투머치", "억지 러브라인이라서 문제", "적당히 해야지 선 넘었다", "작가님 굴비 많이 드셨나 봐요."I'm trying to make this and that," "I'm against Young (Ju)jae (Woo) couple's decision!" "This is too far-fetched," "It's strange that a love line was created in a hurry," "It's too much," "It's a problem because it's a forced love line," "You must have crossed the line," "You must have eaten a lot." 굴비처럼 엮어버리네", "너무 어거지(억지)로 엮어서 끝내려니 어이없는 거지", "지동희 자살보다 더 충격이다", "나오는 남녀 다 엮네", "자살시키고 이상한 커플 만들고 드라마이지만 개 억지" 등 비판 목소리를 높였다.They raised their voices of criticism, such as "It's ridiculous to end it by weaving it like a dried yellow corvina," "It's more shocking than Ji Dong-hee's suicide," "They make both men and women who come out together," and "It's suicide and make a strange couple, but it's a drama, but it's forced dog."
'일타 스캔들' 최총회 16회는 오늘(5일) 오후 9시 10분에 전파를 탄다.The 16th episode of "One Hit Scandal" will air at 9:10 p.m. today (5th).
[사진 = tvN '일타 스캔들' 15회 캡처][Picture = Capture 15 episodes of tvN's "Crash Scandal"]
(김나라 기자 )(Reporter Kim Nara )