전도연 "50대 여배우가 왜 로코 하냐고.."Why is an actress in her 50s doing romantic comedy?"'일타스캔들' 논란 의식 안 했다" ('유퀴즈')[종합]I wasn't aware of the controversy over "One Person Scandal" (You Quiz) [Overall]

[스포츠조선닷컴 이게은기자] 배우 전도연이 편견에 맞선 지난 시간을 돌아봤다.[Sports Chosun Dotcom reporter Lee Ga-eun] Actor Jeon Do-yeon looked back on the past against prejudice.

29일 방송된 tvN '유 퀴즈 온 더 블럭'은 '명불허전' 특집으로 꾸며진 가운데 전도연이 출연했다.tvN's "You Quiz on the Block," which aired on the 29th, featured Jeon Do-yeon while being decorated with a special episode of "Unprecedented."

유재석은 대학 동기 전도연을 보자마자 "저의 대학 동기 전도연 씨"라며 반가워했다.As soon as Yoo Jae-seok saw his college colleague Jeon Do-yeon, he was glad, saying, "My college colleague Jeon Do-yeon." 하지만 전도연은 "세차장에서 본 게 마지막이었던 것 같다.However, Jeon Do-yeon said, "I think it was the last time I saw it in the car wash. 지금은 거리감이 있고 불편한 느낌이 있다"며 어색해해 웃음을 자아냈다.Now I feel distant and uncomfortable," he said with a smile. 유재석은 "같은 과인데 반이 달랐다.Yoo Jae-seok said, "We are in the same department, but we are in different classes 그래서 수업을 같이 들은 적은 없지만 등하교길에는 보곤 했다.So I never took classes together, but I used to watch them on my way to and from school. 제 떡볶이 뺏어 먹은 거 기억하시냐"고 질문했다.Do you remember stealing my tteok-bokki?" 전도연은 "제가요?"라고 물은 후 웃음을 터트렸다.Jeon Do-yeon burst into laughter after asking, "Me?" 또 유재석은 "오리엔테이션 때 제 옆자리에 앉았다.Yoo Jae-seok also said, "I sat next to myself during the orientation. 난 기억하는데 도연 씨가 기억을 못 한다"고 덧붙였다.I remember, but Doyeon doesn't remember."

전도연은 최근 tvN '일타스캔들'로 큰 사랑을 받은 소감에 대해 "과한 사랑을 받아 다들 행복해하며 끝냈다.Jeon Do-yeon recently said about her feelings of receiving great love for tvN's One-Tas Scandal, "Everyone was happy to receive excessive love. 로맨틱 코미디를 어떻게 50대 여배우가 할 수 있겠냐는 캐스팅 논란이 있어 걱정했는데 행선이가 사랑받으며 끝나 마음이 좋다"고 말했다.I was worried about the casting controversy over how an actress in her 50s could do romantic comedy, but I'm glad that Haesun was loved and ended." 전도연에게 '일타스캔들'은 '프라하의 연인' 이후 18년 만의 로맨틱 작품이었다고.For Jeon Do-yeon, "One Tas Scandal" was the first romantic work in 18 years since "Lovers in Prague."

애청자 중에는 15세 중학생 딸도 있었다는 이야기도 전했다.He also told the story that one of the viewers was a 15-year-old middle school girl. 전도연은 "딸은 제가 나오는 부분이 심장이 오그라들고 달달해서 이가 썩을 것 같다고 하더라"고 말해 웃음을 자아냈다.Jeon Do-yeon drew laughter by saying, "My daughter said that the part where I come out is making her heart cringe and sweet, so her teeth are going to rot." 올해 결혼 16년 차가 된 전도연.Jeon Do-yeon, who has been married for 16 years this year. 엄마로서 그는 어떤 모습일까.What does she look like as a mother? 전도연은 "저는 행선이와 비슷하다.Jeon Do-yeon said, "I'm similar to Haengseon. 아이에게 맡기는 스타일이고 엄마로서 모르는 게 많아 아이에게 물어보며 성장하는 중이다"라고 털어놨다."I'm a child-leaving type, and I don't know much as a mother, so I'm growing up asking my child."

전도연의 어렸을 때 꿈은 배우가 아닌 현모양처였다.Jeon Do-yeon's childhood dream was not to be an actor but to be a good wife. 배우는 우연한 기회에 이룬 것이라고.The actor accomplished it by chance. 전도연은 "잡지를 찍게 됐는데 광고 쪽에서 연락이 와서 광고를 찍었다.Jeon Do-yeon said, "I was filming a magazine, and the advertising staff contacted me and I took an advertisement. 또 광고를 보고 드라마 쪽에서 연락이 와 배우를 시작하게 됐다.When I saw the advertisement, I got a call from the drama and started acting. 어렸을 때 배우는 결혼하면 언제든지 그만둘 수 있는 일이라고 생각했다"고 말했다.When I was a child, I thought I could quit whenever I got married."

다양한 작품을 통해 폭넓은 연기 스펙트럼을 쌓았던 전도연.Jeon Do-yeon, who built a wide spectrum of acting through various works. 영화 '해피엔드'에서는 파격적인 노출로 화제를 모으기도 했다.In the movie Happy End, it drew attention for its unconventional exposure. 전도연은 "주변에서 다 반대했다.Jeon Do-yeon said, "Everyone around me was against it. 당시는 한석규가 나오는 영화, 나오지 않는 영화로 나뉘었다.At that time, it was divided into movies with Han Seok-gyu and movies without Han Seok-gyu. 어린 마음에 나도 된다는 걸 보여주고 싶었다.As a child, I wanted to show that I could do it. 배우로서 처음 도전해 본 작품이었다"라고 말했다.It was my first time trying a movie as an actor." 그러면서 "제 꿈인 현모양처 꿈을 깨는 선택이었다.He said, "It was my choice to break my dream, my wife's dream. 엄마를 설득할 때 엄마가 그렇게 우실 줄도 몰랐다.When I persuaded my mother, I didn't know she would cry so much. 시집 못 가면 어떡하냐고 하시길래, 시집 잘 가려고 배우하는 거 아니라며 설득했다"고 떠올렸다.He said, "What if I can't get married?" and I persuaded him, "I'm not trying to learn to get married well."

'해피엔드' 촬영 후에는 상처도 받았다고.After filming "Happy End," he said he was hurt. 전도연은 "순수한 선택이었는데 그때 했던 광고들이 다 끝나더라.Jeon Do-yeon said, "It was a pure choice, but all the advertisements I did at that time were over. 그땐 왜 그런지 이유를 몰랐는데, 사람들이 여배우에게 바라는 이미지가 어떤지 그때 알았던 것 같다.At that time, I didn't know why, but I think I knew then what kind of image people wanted from an actress. 저를 단단하게 만들어준 작품이기도 하다.It is also a work that made me stronger. 여배우는 소극적이라는 지적이 많았는데 '해피엔드'는 여배우가 능동적으로 연기한 작품이다.Many pointed out that the actress was passive, but "Happy End" was actively played by the actress. 배우로서 할 일을 한 거고 오히려 사람들의 시선에 더 당당했다"고 힘주어 말했다.I did what I had to do as an actor, and I was more confident in people's eyes."

'칸의 여왕'으로 등극했던 전도연은 "사람들은 이후 제가 어마어마한 시나리오를 받았을 거라고 생각했는데 전혀 그렇지 않았다.Jeon Do-yeon, who became the Queen of Cannes, said, "People thought I would have received a huge scenario afterwards, but it wasn't like that at all. 영화제에 갈 법한 작품을 할 배우라고 생각을 한 것 같다.He seems to have thought that he was an actor who would go to a film festival. 다양한 작품이 들어오지도 않았고 들어오는 작품 수도 많이 줄었다.Various works were not introduced, and the number of works received decreased significantly. 힘든 시간이었다"고 털어놨다.It was a tough time."

전도연은 "50대가 된 후 저는 달라진 게 없는데 사람들은 다르게 보는 것 같다.Jeon Do-yeon said, "I haven't changed since I turned 50, but people seem to see it differently. '일타스캔들'을 찍을 때 어떻게 50대 배우가 로맨틱 작품을 할 수 있냐고 해서 잣대에 놓여져 있다는 생각을 했다.When I was filming "One Tas Scandal," I thought it was on the bar because an actor in his 50s asked me how I could do a romantic work. 선입견에 놓여있다는 생각에 답답했다.I was frustrated at the thought of being prejudiced. 논란을 의식했다면 선택하기 쉽지 않았을 거다.If you were conscious of controversy, it would not have been easy to choose. 제삼자들이 저를 가두는 일이 생기는 것 같다"며 현실을 보기도.It seems that third parties are going to lock me up," he said. 그러면서도 "해보지 못한 연기가 많아서 더 많은 역할을 경험하고 싶다.At the same time, he said, "I want to experience more roles because there are many acting that I haven't tried. 저는 선택을 받는 입장이니까, 누군가 저를 선택해서 내가 생각하지 못한 날 발견하고 배우로서 많이 소모 당하고 싶다.Since I'm in a position of being chosen, I want someone to choose me, discover a day that I didn't think of, and be consumed a lot as an actor. '밀양'이 제 정점이라고 했지만 저는 그렇게 생각하지 않았다.They said "Milyang" was their peak, but I didn't think so. 제 자신이 궁금하다.I'm curious about myself. 기대감을 주는 배우이고 싶다"며 눈을 반짝였다.I want to be an actor who gives you a sense of anticipation."

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