한혜진, 178cm·52kg 답네..Han Hyejin, 178cm, 52kg is like you.인생 첫 델리만주 먹고 “너무 맛있네” 휘둥그레I had Delimanjoo for the first time in my life and said, "It's so good". Surprised.

[스포츠서울 | 김지윤기자] 톱모델 한혜진이 인생 첫 델리만주를 먹고 감격했다.[Sports Seoul | Reporter Kim Ji-yoon] Top model Han Hye-jin was thrilled after eating her first Delimanjoo.

28일 유튜브 채널 ‘한혜진’에는 ‘톱모델 한혜진의 인생 첫 캠핑 짐싸기(따라하지 마세요) | 구례 숲속 캠핑 with.On the 28th, on the YouTube channel Han Hye-jin, "Top Model Han Hye-jin's First Camping Packaging (Don't Follow) | Gurye Forest Camping with. 리랑온에어’이라는 제목의 영상이 게재됐다.A video titled "Rirang On Air" was posted.

이날 한혜진은 처음으로 캠핑을 떠났다.Han Hye-jin went camping for the first time that day. 목적지는 구례.The destination is old-fashioned. 그는 “구례에 4년 만이다.He said, "It's been four years since I've seen you. 엄마랑 갔었다.I went there with my mom. 정말 예쁜 곳이다”라며 “지리산과 섬진강의 조화가 어우러진 곳이다.It's a really pretty place," he said, adding, "It's a place where the harmony of Jirisan Mountain and Seomjingang River is harmonized. 산은 큰데 마을은 작다”며 애정을 드러냈다.The mountains are big, but the villages are small."

출처| 유튜브 ‘한혜진’Source | YouTube Han Hye-jin
함께 같이 가게 된 유튜버 리랑온에어와 관계는 “유튜브 시청을 전혀 안 하다가 ‘캠핑’을 너무 가고 싶은데 어떻게 할지를 몰라서 찾아본 처음 유튜버다.The relationship between YouTuber Lee Lang-on Air, who went with him, said, "I haven't watched YouTube at all, but I really want to go camping, but I don't know what to do, so I'm the first YouTuber I've searched for." 옛날에 그 분이 등산 백패킹을 많이 했다.Once upon a time, he did a lot of mountain climbing backpacking. ‘진짜 대단하다’고 생각했다.I thought, "That's amazing." 만나는 게 너무 신기하다.It's amazing to see you. 연예인 만나는 기분”이라며 입장을 전했다.I feel like I'm meeting a celebrity," he said.

이후 휴게소에 도착한 한혜진은 휴게소에서 돈가스를 먹고 후식으로 델리만주를 즐겼다.After arriving at the rest area, Han Hye-jin ate pork cutlet at the rest area and enjoyed Delimanjoo as a dessert.

델리만주를 먹던 그는 “왜 나만 몰랐어?While he was drinking Delimanjoo, he said, "Why am I the only one who didn't know? 너무 맛있다”며 “디저트 안 좋아하는 사람이 어딨겠냐.It's so delicious," he said. "Who doesn't like desserts? 먹고 싶어도 참는 거다”며 속내를 밝혔다.You have to put up with it even if you want to eat it."

구례에 도착해 산슈유 축제를 구경하던 한혜진은 캠핑장에 도착했고, 꿈에 그리던 유튜버 리랑온에어와 만났다.Han Hye-jin, who arrived in Gurye and was watching the Sanshuyu Festival, arrived at the camping site and met with the YouTuber Li Langon Air she had dreamed of.

이들의 캠핑이야기는 다음 편에 공계될 예정으로 궁금증을 자아냈다.Their camping story is scheduled to be published in the next episode, raising questions.

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