"칼로 협박".."Threatening with a knife".최정원과 불륜의혹女, 가정폭력 새 주장..Choi Jung-won and Suspected Cheating, New Claims on Domestic Violence...A씨 입장은? ('연중') [어저께TV]What is A's position? (Year middle school) [Yesterday's TV]

[OSEN=김수형 기자] ‘연중 플러스’에서 최정원의 불륜설을 언급, 상대인 B씨와 인터뷰를 공개했다.[OSEN = Reporter Kim Soo-hyung] Choi Jung-won's affair rumor was mentioned on "Yeonjung Plus" and an interview with his opponent B was released.  

9일  방송된 KBS 2TV 예능 ‘연중플러스’에서 불륜설에 휩싸인 최정원을 다뤘다.KBS 2TV's entertainment show "Yeonjung Plus," which aired on the 9th, dealt with Choi Jung-won, who was embroiled in rumors of an affair.  

앞서 A씨는 올해초 최정원의 불륜설을 제기,  최정원이 아내 B씨와 부적절한 관계를 가졌다고 주장했다.Earlier this year, A raised the rumor of Choi Jung-won's affair and claimed that Choi Jung-won had an inappropriate relationship with his wife B.  두 사람이 나눈 메신저 내용을 공개해 충격을 안겼던 바. 이에 최정원은 "어릴 때 알고지낸 동생과 안부차 식사한 것"이라며 불륜설을 사실상 반박했다.Choi Jung-won virtually refuted the rumor of an affair, saying, "I had a meal with my brother, whom I knew and spent when I was young."  오히려 제보자의 폭언과 협박을 일삼아 강경대응을 하겠다고 했다.On the contrary, he said he would take a hard-line response by using abusive language and threats from his informant. 하지만  A씨가 아내 B씨의 각서 공개로 재반박하며 양측 입장이 첨예하게 대립한 가운데 별다른 입장을 밝히지 않던 최정원도 입을 열었다.However, Mr. A refuted again with the disclosure of his wife B's memorandum, and Choi Jung-won, who did not express his position, also spoke while the two sides were sharply opposed. 지난 6일엔 A씨 고소하고 강경대응을 하겠다는 입장을 전한 것이다.On the 6th, he reported his position to sue A and take a hard-line response.  

'연중플러스'에서는  이번 논란의 중심인 아내B씨를 직접 만났다.On "Yonsei Plus," I met my wife B, who is at the center of the controversy.  남편이 왜곡한 거짓말이 많다는 주장.  남편A씨가 주장한 불륜설에 대한 입장에 대해B씨는 '"(최정원과)여러번 만났다, 매일 연락했다' 주장했으나 사실이 아냐, 지금까지 정확히 3번, 전화 통화는 8번 정도"라며 "중간에 '살아있냐, 오랜만에 연락했는데'라는 내용이었다"고 해명했다.Regarding her husband's claim that there are many distorted lies. Regarding her position on the affair theory claimed by her husband A, B claimed that she met (Choi Jung-won) several times and contacted him every day, but it is not true, so far, she said, "It was 'Are you alive, I contacted you after a long time."    

특히 각서와 녹취록에 대해서 언급했는데 불륜을 인정한 듯한 내용에 대해  B씨는 "한 마디로 살려고 한 것In particular, when I mentioned the memorandum and the transcript, B said, "I tried to live in one word."
같은 집 안에 아이가 있었다"면서  "아빠의 폭언 등 모습을 아이가 듣고 있는 상황에서 쓰게된 것"이라고 말했다.There was a child in the same house, he said. "I used my father's abusive language and other images when my child was listening." 가정폭력을 멈추게 하기 위한 거짓각서였다는 것.It was a false memorandum to stop domestic violence. 최정원과는 관계가 없다며 거듭 강조했다.He repeatedly stressed that he had nothing to do with Choi Jung-won.  

B씨는 "남편의 의처증이 점점 심해져, 나중엔 메신저에 프로필 사진과  본인과 찍었던 걸 남편이 내렸길래B said, "My husband's wife's condition is getting worse, and later on, my husband got off the messenger with his profile picture and what he took with him."
'나랑 같이 찍은 사진을 싫어하구나' 해서 (나도 함께 찍은 사진을) 내렸더니 새벽에 자기 방으로 끌고가 칼을 보여줬다"면서 "위협을 하면서 '네가 벌써 돌싱행세를 하냐'고  '자기를 말리는 사람 없다"You don't like pictures taken with me," he said, "I took them with me, so I dragged them to his room at dawn and showed him a knife." "No one stops him, saying, 'Are you already acting like a dolsing?'" 브레이크 없다'고 하더라"고 했다.He said there was no brake."

그러면서 B씨는 이혼을 결심한 가장 큰 이유에 대해 "아들이 저한테 엄마 도망가자고 그러더라 '엄마 그냥 도망가면 안 돼?' 하더라"며 울컥, "그게 결심했던 이혼의 사유  벗어나고 싶었던 것 중 하나다"며 눈물을 보였다.As for the biggest reason for deciding to divorce, B cried, saying, "My son asked me to run away from my mom, and she said, 'Can't you just run away?'" and "That's one of the reasons for the divorce I decided to do."    

남편 A씨의 아동학대와 가정폭력을 주장한 가운데  A씨는 "아내 B씨가 신고,  아내와 아이에게 연락을 취했지만 번호를 바뀌고 연락이 닿지 앟아 아내를 방임죄로 신고,  아내B씨가 최정원이 공황장애 먹고 있으니 조심하라고 했다"며   "아이를 지키려 삼단봉을 꺼냈는데 가정폭력을 당했다고 주장, 폭력을 행사한 적 없다고"고 주장했다.While claiming child abuse and domestic violence by her husband A, A claimed, "Wife B reported and contacted his wife and child, but he changed his number and reported his wife as neglecting her because Choi Jung-won was suffering from panic disorder."  실제로 지난해 9월부터 아내 본적 없다는 입장을 전했다..In fact, he said he had not seen his wife since September last year.


[사진] ‘연중플러스’[Picture] "Yonsei Plus".

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