MC몽, 튀르키예·시리아 지진 피해에 1억 '통큰 기부'MC Mong contributes 100 million won to earthquake damage in Turkistan and Syria

▲ MC몽. ⓒ스포티비뉴스DB▲ MC Mong. Sportiv. NewsDB

[스포티비뉴스=장진리 기자] 가수 MC몽이 튀르키에·시리아 대지진 피해 구호에 힘을 보탰다.[Spot TV News = Reporter Jang Jin-ri] Singer MC Mong helped to rescue the earthquake victims in Turkistan and Syria.

MC몽은 전국재해구호협회 희망브릿지를 통해 1억 원이라는 거액을 쾌척했다.MC Mong donated a large sum of 100 million won through the Hope Bridge of the National Disaster Relief Association.

MC몽은 "아버지! 소중한 생명을 귀하게 여겨주소서.MC Mong said, "Father! Please value your precious life. 아멘"이라고 안타까운 마음을 드러내며 1억을 기부한 이유를 밝혔다.Amen," he said, expressing his regret and explaining why he donated 100 million won.

그는 지난해 집중호우로 많은 수재민이 발생하자 모친과 함께 희망브리지를 통해 1억 원을 기부했다.He donated 100 million won through Hope Bridge with his mother last year when heavy rains caused many flood victims.

또한 같은 해 3월에는 산불 피해 주민을을 위해 3333만 원을 기부했고, 2020년에도 집중호우 피해를 입은 수재민을 돕기 위해 2020만 원을 기부하는 등 어려운 곳에 나눔의 손길을 이어가고 있다.In addition, in March of the same year, 33.33 million won was donated to residents affected by forest fires, and in 2020, 2.0 million won was donated to help flood victims affected by torrential rains.

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