정성일, 8주 만에 홀로 만든 복근→"송혜교에 '미쳤다' 문자" ('유퀴즈')[SC리뷰]Jung Sung-il made abs by himself in 8 weeks → "Crazy" text message to Song Hye-kyo" (You Quiz) [SC Review]

[스포츠조선닷컴 이우주 기자] '유퀴즈' 정성일이 어려웠던 가정사부터 독기 가득했던 '복근 만들기' 방법을 공개했다.[Sports Chosun Dotcom reporter Lee Woo-joo] Jung Sung-il of "Yoo Quiz" revealed a vicious "Abdominal Muscle Making" method from the difficult family history.

1일 방송된 tvN 예능프로그램 '유퀴즈 온 더 블럭'에서는 '세상에 그런 일이' 특집으로 꾸며져 배우 정성일이 출연했다.On tvN's entertainment program "You Quiz on the Block," which aired on the 1st, actor Jung Sung-il appeared as a special feature of "Oh My God."

넷플릭스 화제작 '더 글로리'에 출연해 '한국의 양조위', '나이스한 개XX' 등의 애칭을 얻으며 이름을 알린 정성일. '잘생긴 척 하는 유재석'이라는 별명까지 얻은 정성일은 "그 덕에 '유퀴즈'에 출연한 거 같다"고 팬들에게 감사해했다.Jung Sung-il, who made his name known by appearing in Netflix's popular production The Glory and earning nicknames such as "Korea's Brewery" and "Nice Dog XX," even nicknamed "Yoo Jae-seok pretending to be handsome," thanked fans. 정성일은 '더 글로리' 출연 배경에 대해 "김은숙 작가님 작품이 들어갈 것 같으니 스케줄을 비우라더라.Regarding the background of his appearance in "The Glory," Jung Sung-il said, "I think Kim Eun-sook's work will go in, so I'm told to clear my schedule. 그래서 계속 비워놨다.So I kept it empty. 거의 1년을 기다렸다"며 "추후에 들었는데 김은숙 작가님이 '비밀의숲2'를 보시고 처음부터 염두에 뒀다더라"라고 밝혔다."I waited almost a year," he said. "I heard later that writer Kim Eun-sook watched 'Stranger 2' and had it in mind from the beginning."

하지만 이를 몰랐던 정성일은 김은숙 작가와의 첫 만남에 대해 "불편했다"고 떠올렸다.However, Jung Sung-il, who did not know this, recalled his first meeting with writer Kim Eun-sook as "uncomfortable." 정성일은 "처음엔 안 믿었기 때문에 (캐스팅이) 확정이 나지 않았을 거라 생각했다.Jung Sung-il said, "At first, I didn't believe it, so I thought (casting) wouldn't have been confirmed. 제가 너무 긴장한 탓인지 작은 코멘트를 해주셨는데 그게 저에게 크게 와닿았다.Perhaps because I was too nervous, he gave me a small comment, which touched me greatly. '그 부분은 차갑게 해줘'였는데 잘릴 거 같다고 생각했다.It was "Please make that part cold," but I thought I would get fired. 그런데 처음부터 너였다더라"라고 밝혔다.But I heard it was you from the beginning."

함께 호흡을 맞춘 송혜교를 칭찬하기도 했다.He also praised Song Hye-kyo, who worked together. 정성일은 "'더 글로리' 1편을 보고 송혜교 씨한테 미쳤다고 문자를 보냈다.Jung Sung-il texted Song Hye-kyo that he was crazy after watching the first episode of "The Glory." 사적으로 봐도 너무 멋있고 너무 털털한 사람"이라고 밝혔다.He's so cool and easy-going personally." 악랄한 악역 연기로 모두를 놀라게 한 임지연에 대해서는 "너 왜 이렇게 못됐냐 했다"고 연기에 감탄했다고 밝혔다.As for Lim Ji-yeon, who surprised everyone with her vicious villain acting, she said, "I was impressed by your acting, why are you so mean?"

3월 공개될 파트2에 대해 살짝 스포를 하기도 했다.He also gave a slight spoiler about Part 2, which will be released in March. 정성일은 "하도영이 제일 나락으로 떨어져서 절망하고 분노하는 장면이 나올 것"이라며 "하나 확실한 것은 파트2가 훨씬 재밌다.Jung Sung-il said, "There will be a scene where Ha Do-young falls to the bottom of the abyss and despair and anger," adding, "One thing is for sure, Part 2 is much more fun." 저도 너무 재밌게 봤다"고 밝혀 기대감을 불렀다."I really enjoyed watching it," he said, raising expectations.

정성일의 꿈은 처음부터 배우가 아니었다.Jung Sung-il's dream was not to be an actor from the beginning. 먹고 사는 일에만 급급했다는 정성일은 "어머니를 늦게 만났다.Jung Sung-il, who was only busy eating and living, said, "I met my mother late. 어렸을 때부터 몸이 안 좋으셨고 아버지는 자유 영혼이셔서 집에 안 계셨다.Since I was young, I have not been feeling well, and my father was a free spirit, so he was not at home. 고3때 몸이 나아지셔서 저희를 보듬어줄 상황이 됐다"며 "대학교는 가야 하지 않겠냐더라.He got better when he was a senior in high school, so he was in a situation to embrace us," he said adding, "Shouldn't he go to college?" 대학은 생각해본 적이 없었고 공부도 안 했다.I never thought about college and I didn't 그래서 실기 위주로 갈 수 있는 곳을 가보자 싶었는데 방송연예과라는 데가 있더라"라고 대학에 가 연극을 하며 처음으로 연극에 재미를 느꼈다고 밝혔다.So I wanted to go to a place where I could mainly go to practical arts, but there was a place called the Broadcasting Entertainment Department," he said, adding, "I had fun in theater for the first time when I went to college."

부모의 역할은 2살 많은 누나가 대신했다.My two-year-old sister took over the role of my parents. 그 덕에 아직까지 누나의 말에 꼼짝도 못한다는 정성일은 "부모님이 안 계시다 보니 너무 어린 나이에 누나가 거의 부모님이었다.Thanks to that, Jung Sung-il, who is still unable to move to her sister's words, said, "Because my parents were not there, my sister was almost my parents at a very young age. 친할머니가 초등학교 4학년 때 거동이 불편하셨다.My grandmother had difficulty moving when she was in the fourth grade of elementary school. 요양을 하다 보니 대소변을 저희가 받아야 했다"며 "엄마를 만나기 전까지는 두 살밖에 차이 안 나는 누나가 저를 키웠다"고 누나에 대한 고마움을 전했다.We had to urinate because we were taking care of ourselves. "My sister, who is only two years younger than me, raised me," he said, expressing his gratitude to my sister.

배가 고파 비가 오는 날 보도블럭 사이에 고인 물까지 먹어봤다고도 밝혔다.He also said that he was hungry and even drank the water that had accumulated between sidewalk blocks on a rainy day. 정성일은 "누나가 학교 끝나고 오기 전에 너무 배가 고프더라.Jung Sung-il said, "I was so hungry before my sister came back from school. 그 물을 마시려고 모래가 가라앉기를 기다렸다"며 "어디 가서 얻어먹어도 되는데 눈치 보이지 않냐.I waited for the sand to settle down to drink the water," he said, "You can get it anywhere, but don't you feel uncomfortable? 그래서 그 물로 배 채운 적도 있다"고 밝혔다.That's why I've been filled with that water."

우유 배달, 신문 배달, 빌딩 청소까지 안 해본 알바가 없던 정성일.Jung Sung-il had no part-time job without delivering milk, delivering newspapers, and cleaning buildings. 누나의 일침에 연기를 그만둘까도 고민했지만 이후 오디션에 붙으며 배우의 꿈을 밀고 나가기로 했다고.I thought about quitting acting because of my sister's scolding, but I decided to pursue my dream of becoming an actor by auditioning. 정성일은 독학으로 8주 만에 명품 초콜릿 복근을 만들어내 화제가 되기도 했다.Jung Sung-il made headlines for making luxury chocolate abs in eight weeks by self-taught. 정성일은 "일이 없던 시기였는데 독립영화가 처음으로 들어왔다.Jung Sung-il said, "It was a time when there was no work, but an independent film came in for the first time 몸이 좋은 킬러 역이었다.He played the role of a fit killer. 너무 절실하니까 어떻게든 하겠다 했는데 PT 받을 돈이 없을 때였다.I said I would do something because I was so desperate, but it was when I didn't have money to get PT. 운동하는 법을 모르니까 8주 간의 기적이라는 책을 샀다.I didn't know how to exercise, so I bought a book called "The Miracle of Eight Weeks." 저는 뭐든 하기 전에 공부하는 스타일이다.I tend to study before I do anything. 식단도 저에게 맞춰서 했다"며 "근데 문제는 촬영을 두 번하고 독립영화가 엎어졌다"고 밝혔다.I also did my diet according to me, he said. "But the problem is that I filmed twice and my independent film fell over."

영화 '접속'이 떠오르는 러브스토리를 밝히기도 했다.The movie "Connection" also revealed a love story that comes to mind. 결혼 7년차라는 정성일은 아내와의 첫 만남에 대해 "친구의 친구로 만났다가 이 친구가 미국으로 유학을 갔다.Jung Sung-il, who has been married for seven years, said about his first meeting with his wife, "I met him as a friend of a friend and then this friend went to the United States to study. 파이프 오르간을 전공하는 친구였다"며 "PC방에 메일을 확인하러 갔다가 우연치 않게 그 친구가 뜬 걸 보고 잘 지내냐고 편지를 보냈다.I was a friend who majored in pipe organ," he said. "I went to the PC room to check my e-mail, and I accidentally saw that my friend came up and sent a letter asking if he was doing well." 한참 관심 없다가 나중에 메일이 온 걸 보고 연락을 계속 했다.I wasn't interested for a while, but later I saw an e-mail and kept in touch. 멀리 있는데 사귀자 했다.He asked me to go out with him even though he was far away. 3년 동안 떨어져 지냈다"고 밝혔다.We've been apart for three years." 이에 유재석은 "이게 진짜 사이버 러버 아니냐"고 놀랐다.In response, Yoo Jae-seok was surprised, saying, "Isn't this a real cyber lover?"

3년간 얼굴도 못 보고 장거리 연애를 한 정성일은 아내가 한국에 돌아온 후 3년을 더 만났다가 헤어졌다.Jung Sung-il, who had been in a long-distance relationship for three years without seeing each other, met his wife for three more years after returning to Korea and then broke up. 재회 스토리도 드라마 같았다.The story of the reunion was like a drama. 아내와 7~8년을 헤어져있었다는 정성일은 "이 친구가 미국에 있을 때도 저희 엄마랑 둘이 펜팔을 했다.Jung Sung-il, who had been separated from his wife for seven to eight years, said, "When this friend was in the United States, my mother and I were pen pals. 너무 친하다보니까 저희 어머니가 몸이 편찮으셔서 서울로 올라오셨는데 저랑 누나한테 얘기를 안 했다.We were so close that my mother came to Seoul because she was sick, but she didn't tell me and my sister. 근데 아내가 엄마를 모시고 병원을 데리고 갔다.But my wife took my mother to the hospital. 거기서 다시 만났다.I met him there again. 그렇게 만나서 한 3개월 만에 결혼을 했다"고 밝혔다.We met like that and got married after about three months."

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