[종합] 27억 사기 당했는데…[Overall] 2.7 billion won was swindled.'연매출 600억' 허경환, 80억 건물주였다"Annual sales of 60 billion won." Heo Kyung Hwan was the owner of 8 billion buildings. "월세만 2000만원" ('연중')"Monthly rent is 20 million won." ("Yearly Middle School")

[텐아시아=태유나 기자][Ten Asia = Reporter Tae Yuna]
사진=KBS '연중플러스' 방송 화면.Photo = KBS "Yeonjung Plus" broadcast screen.

허경환이 연예계 숨은 재력가 1위에 등극했다.Heo Kyung-hwan has become the number one hidden rich person in the entertainment industry.

지난 16일 방송된 KBS2 '연중 플러스' 120회에서는 연예계의 숨은 재력가 스타 순위가 발표됐다.In the 120th episode of KBS2's "Year-end Plus," which aired on the 16th, the star rankings of hidden wealthy people in the entertainment industry were announced.

이날 연예계 숨은 재력가 5위는 장성규였다.On the same day, Jang Sung-kyu was the fifth richest person in the entertainment industry. 그는 강동구에 위치한 아파트와 현 시세 100억 원 이상의 강남구 청담동의 건물을 가지고 있었다.He had an apartment located in Gangdong-gu and a building in Cheongdam-dong, Gangnam-gu, with a current market price of more than 10 billion won. 최근 한 방송에 출연해 "세무사분께서 (종합소득세가) 억 단위가 나올 수 있다고 얘기해 주셨다"고 밝히기도.Recently, he appeared on a broadcast and said, "The tax accountant told me that (comprehensive income tax) could come out in hundreds of millions." 4위는 개그맨 김정렬이었다.Comedian Kim Jung-ryul came in fourth. '숭구리 당당 숭당당'이라는 유행어를 조정현에게 단돈 5만 원을 주고 "몇 백 억 벌었다"고 자랑한 그는 실제 전성기 시절 하룻저녁 1억을 벌었다고 고백한 바 있다.Having given Cho Jung-hyun the buzzword "Sungguri Confident Soongdang" only 50,000 won and boasted that he had earned tens of billions of won, he confessed that he had earned 100 million won a night in his actual heyday. 김정렬은 수익을 모두 땅에 투자해 값이 오른 땅을 팔고 건물을 매입하는 식으로 강남 건물 2채를 보유 중이다.Kim Jung-ryul owns two Gangnam buildings by investing all of his profits in land to sell land that has risen in price and purchase buildings.

3위는 카라 한승연이었다.Third place was KARA Han Seung-yeon. 그는 2014년 45억에 매입해 재건축을 거쳐 현재 약 150억 정도의 시세를 가진 청담동 빌딩과 어머니와 공동 명의로 매입한 약 160억 원의 삼성동 단독주택을 소유하고 있다.He owns the Cheongdam-dong building, which was purchased for 4.5 billion won in 2014 and reconstructed, and the Samseong-dong detached house, which was purchased under the joint name of his mother, with a market price of about 15 billion won. 청담동 빌딩의 경우 월세는 약 2000만 원으로 추정됐다.In the case of the Cheongdam-dong building, the monthly rent was estimated to be about 20 million won.

사진=KBS '연중플러스' 방송 화면.Photo = KBS "Yeonjung Plus" broadcast screen.
2위는 100억 자산가로 알려진 개그맨 출신 투자전문가 황현희였다.Second place was Hwang Hyun-hee, a comedian-turned-investment expert known as a wealthy man of 10 billion won. 2014년 '개그콘서트' 하차 후 연세대 경제대학원에 입학한 그는 이를 바탕으로 부동산에 투자를 시작, "용산 아파트 분양을 받았고 성동구 아파트 갭투자를 시작했고 신길동 단독주택을 (샀다)"고 본인의 부동산 투자 및 주식과 비트코인 투자를 고백했다.After dropping out of the Gag Concert in 2014, he entered Yonsei University's Graduate School of Economics and confessed to investing in real estate and stocks and bitcoin, saying, "I received the sale of Yongsan apartments and started a gap investment in Seongdong-gu apartments." 그는 4억 5000만 원을 초기 투자해 10배 정도의 수익을 냈다고 알려졌다.He reportedly made about 10 times more profit by investing 450 million won in the early stages.

1위의 주인공은 닭가슴살 사업가로 거듭난 개그맨 허경환이었다.The winner was comedian Huh Kyung-hwan, who was reborn as a chicken breast businessman. 2010년 사업을 시작한 그는 동업자에게 사기를 당하는 등 어려움을 겪기도 했으나 2021년 약 600억대 매출을 기록했다.Starting his business in 2010, he suffered from fraud by his partner, but recorded sales of about 60 billion units in 2021.

또 허경환은 최근 수원에 지하 1층 지상 6층 규모의 신축 건물을 공동 매입한 것도 알려졌다.It is also known that Heo Kyung-hwan recently jointly purchased a new building with one basement floor and six ground floors in Suwon. 부동산 중개사는 "허경환은 당시 80억 원에 건물을 매입했고, 대로변 코너에 위치해 가시성이 좋고 인근 대단지 아파트가 있어 거주민들의 수요가 좋다.The real estate agent said, "At that time, Heo Kyung-hwan purchased the building for 8 billion won, and it is located in the roadside corner, so it has good visibility, and there is a nearby large apartment, so residents' demand is good. 월세는 현재 기준 2000만 원 후반대로 보여진다"고 전했다.The monthly rent is currently estimated to be in the late 20 million won range."

허경환이 겪은 27억 사기 피해도 전해졌다.2.7 billion fraud damage suffered by Huh Kyung-hwan was also reported. 허경환은 "같이 일했던 분이 전화가 와 빨리 와야겠다고 해서 '개콘' 회의 끝나자마자 달려갔다니 어르신 여섯일곱 분이 테이블에 앉아있더라.Heo Kyung-hwan said, "The person I worked with called me and said I should come quickly, so I ran right after the 'Gag Concert' meeting, and six or seven elderly people were sitting at the table. 빚 받으러 온 것이었다.I had come to collect my debt. 반 부도가 났었다"고 말했다.I went bankrupt half the time." 알고보니 매일 보던 친한 형이자 동업자가 회삿돈을 횡령한 상황이었다.It turned out that a close brother and partner I saw every day embezzled company money. 허경환은 "사람이 마음 먹고 사기 치면 안 당할 수가 없다"고 토로하기도 했다.Heo Kyung-hwan also said, "If a person makes up his mind and swindles, he can't help but fall for it."

태유나 텐아시아 기자 Ms. Taeyuna TenAsia,
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