[종합] 윤문식 "본처 2008년에 사망, 예쁜 여자 말걸어 재혼…[Overall] Yun Mun-sik died in 2008 and married a beautiful woman again...지금은 내 종교" ('회장님네')"My religion now." ("The chairman's house")

[텐아시아=우빈 기자][Ten Asia = Reporter WOOBIN]

배우 윤문식이 재혼 아내에 대한 사랑을 고백했다.Actor Yoon Moon-sik confessed his love for his remarried wife.

지난 27일 방송된 tvN STORY '회장님네 사람들'에는 윤문식이 출연했다.Yoon Moon-sik appeared in tvN Story's Chairman's People', which aired on the 27th.

이날 윤문식의 등장으로 '전원일기' 식구들은 행복해했다.With the appearance of Yoon Moon-sik on the same day, the "Country Diary" family was happy. 윤문식은 '전원일기'에서 양촌리 반장부터 포장마차 주인, 쌍봉댁 맞선 상대 역 등으로 열연하며 최다 역할을 맡았다.In "Country Diary," Yoon Moon-sik played the most roles, playing the role of class president Yangchon-ri, the owner of the snack bar, and the counterpart of the Ssangbong house.

특히 김수미는 '프란체스카'에서 윤문식이 첫사랑을 연기했다며 뜨거운 포옹으로 맞았다.In particular, Kim Soo-mi was greeted with a warm hug, saying Yoon Moon-sik played his first love in Francesca. 윤문식은 "보고 싶어서 왔다.Yoon Moon-sik said, "I came because I missed you. 안 늙었다"고 말했고 김수미도 "그대로다"라고 반겼다.I'm not old," said Kim Soo-mi, and she welcomed me, saying, "It's the same."

김용건은 "지금 사모님을 힘들 때 만나지 않았냐"라며 윤문식의 아내를 언급했다.Kim Yong-gun mentioned Yoon Moon-sik's wife, saying, "Didn't you meet your wife when you were having a hard time?" 윤문식은 "외로울 때 만났지"라고 고개를끄덕였다.Yoon Moon-sik nodded, "We met when we were lonely."

윤문식은 "본처가 15년을 병원에 있다가 2008년에 죽었다.Yoon Moon-sik said, "My wife died in 2008 after 15 years in the hospital. 병원에 있을 땐 그래도 의지가 됐는데 죽으니 더 패닉이 왔다"고 털어놨다."I still relied on him when I was in the hospital, but now that I'm dead, I'm more panicked."

이어 "어느날 갑자기 예쁜 여자가 말을 걸었다"고 했다.He then said, "One day, a pretty woman suddenly talked to me." 두 사람은 아는 사이였다가 우연히 만나 연인으로 발전했다.They met by chance and developed into lovers. 재혼한 아내가 먼저 "좀 힘들테니 사귀면 어떻겠느냐고 했다"고 말했다.My remarried wife said first, "It must be a little hard, so I asked him if he would go out with me." 그렇게 두 사람은 재혼하게 됐다.That's how they got married again.

윤문식은 2017년 폐암을 투병했다.Yoon Moon-sik struggled with lung cancer in 2017. 그는 "수술 후 완치 판정을 받았지만, 사는 게 아니었다.He said, "I was diagnosed with complete recovery after surgery, but I didn't live. 옆에서 신경 쓰는 사람이 있느냐, 없느냐에 따라 달라진다"며 곁을 지켜준 아내에게 고마워했다.It depends on whether there is someone next to you or not," he said, thanking his wife for staying with him.

이어 "예전보다 몸이 편해졌다, 우리 마누라가 종교"라며 아내를 향한 애정을 드러냈다.He then expressed his affection for his wife, saying, "I feel more comfortable than before, my wife is a religion."

우빈 텐아시아 기자 Reporter Woobin from Ten Asia
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