[텐아시아=태유나 기자][Ten Asia = Reporter Tae Yuna]
사진=MBC '결혼지옥' 방송 화면.Photo = MBC Marriage Hell broadcast screen.
암투병 중인 아내가 알콜 중독 남편으로 인해 이혼하고 싶다고 털어놨다.My wife, who is fighting cancer, confessed that she wanted to divorce because of her alcoholic husband.
지난 27일 방송된 MBC '오은영 리포트-결혼지옥'(이하 ‘결혼지옥’)에는 결혼 생활 내내 심각한 술 문제를 겪는 '술래 부부'의 사연이 공개됐다.MBC's "Oh Eun-young Report-Marriage Hell" (hereinafter referred to as "Marriage Hell"), which aired on the 27th, revealed the story of the "Tagger Couple" who suffered serious drinking problems throughout their marriage. 포장마차 옆자리에서 술을 마시다 인연이 돼 결혼에 골인한 두 사람.They were drinking next to a cart bar and they were meant to get married. 그러나 현재 아내는 남편의 음주 때문에 이혼을 결심한 상태라고 밝혔다.However, the wife said she had decided to divorce her husband because of his drinking habits.
아내는 제작진과 인터뷰에서 "남편이 진짜 술을 좋아한다.In an interview with the production team, the wife said, "My husband really likes alcohol. 딱 한 잔 들어가면 그 가게 술이 떨어질 때까지 마신다"고 말했다.Just one drink, and I'll drink until I run out of alcohol at that store." 남편은 "20병 가까이 마신다"고 주량을 밝혀 충격을 안겼다.My husband shocked me by revealing his drinking capacity, saying, "I drink nearly 20 bottles."
이어 아내는 "한 번은 아침에 전화가 왔다.Then my wife said, "Once in the morning, I got a phone call. 집단 폭행을 당해서 병원에 입원해있다고 하더라.He said he was hospitalized after being assaulted. 크고 작은 사고들을 너무 많이 쳤다.I've had too many big and small accidents. 남편 입에 술 들어가는 게 너무 싫고 질렸다"고 토로했다.I hate drinking alcohol in my husband's mouth and I'm tired of it."
오은영이 "스스로 본인에게 술 문제가 있다고 생각하냐"고 묻자 남편은 "솔직히 그다지 심각하게 생각 안 한다"고 답했다.When Oh Eun-young asked, "Do you think you have a drinking problem yourself?" the husband replied, "Honestly, I don't think it's too serious."
심지어 아내는 7개월 전 갑상선 림프절 전이암 수술을 받았다고.My wife even had thyroid lymph node metastatic cancer surgery seven months ago. 현재는 폐까지 암세포가 전이돼 추적 관찰 중인 상태였다.Currently, cancer cells have spread to the lungs and were under follow-up. 남편은 외도까지 저지른 적 있었다.My husband had committed adultery. 아내는 "시누가 돈이 필요하다고 하더라.My wife said, "My sister-in-law says she needs money. 계산해보니 남편의 퇴직금으로 되겠더라.When I calculated it, it turned out to be my husband's severance pay. 우리가 그 돈을 해주자고 했는데 딱 60만 원을 가져왔다"며 "꼬리가 기니까 잡히더라.We asked him to give us the money, but he brought us exactly 600,000 won," he said. "He was caught because he had a long tail. 2차도 가고 3차도 가고 나름대로 재미를 봤더라"고 고백했다.I went to the second round and the third round, and I had fun in my own way."
사진=MBC '결혼지옥' 방송 화면.Photo = MBC Marriage Hell broadcast screen.
술을 매일 먹고 싶다는 남편은 "주사도 없고 다음날 출근도 잘하는데 이렇게 심각하게 프로그램까지 출연할 일인지"라며 뻔뻔한 반응을 보여 분노를 자아냈다.The husband, who wants to drink every day, responded brazenly, saying, "I don't have a shot and I'm good at going to work the next day, but I don't know if I'm going to appear in such a serious program," drawing anger.
결국 오은영은 "남편분의 가장 큰 문제는 자신의 술 문제를 너무 관대하게 생각하는 것이다.In the end, Oh Eun-young said, "My husband's biggest problem is that he thinks of his drinking problem too generously. 여태껏 술과 관련된 어려움이 있는 부부 중에서 남편분의 술 문제가 가장 심각하다고 본다"며 "솔직히 제가 자신이 없다.I think your husband's drinking problem is the most serious among couples with alcohol-related difficulties so far, he said. "Honestly, I'm not confident. 이 댁은 모든 문제가 술이다.All the problems in this house are alcohol. 술 문제를 없애려면 단주를 해야 하는데 정말 쉽지 않을 것 같다"고 말했다.To get rid of the problem of alcohol, I have to stop drinking, but I don't think it'll be easy."
금주를 다짐했던 남편은 “자제력을 테스트해보기 위해서”라는 궤변을 늘어놓으며 소주를 마시기 시작했고, 그 모습을 본 딸은 "부모님을 보면서 결혼이라는 걸 하고 싶지 않다는 생각을 하게 됐다"고 털어놨다.The husband, who had vowed to abstain from drinking, began drinking soju, saying, "To test my self-control," and the daughter, who saw it, confessed, "I thought I didn't want to get married while looking at my parents." 아내 역시 자신이 세상을 먼저 떠나게 되면 부녀 사이가 멀어질까 두렵다고 밝혔다.His wife also said she was afraid that if she left the world first, the relationship between the father and the daughter would grow apart.
오은영은 "저도 2008년에 대장암 수술을 했다.Oh Eun-young said, "I also performed colon cancer surgery in 2008. 수술방으로 걸어 들어가는 짧은 시간에 생각들이 파도처럼 밀려들더라.In the short walk into the operating room, thoughts flooded like waves. 그런데 끝까지 정리가 안 되는 게 자식이었다.However, it was the child that could not be sorted out until the end. 아내분도 그런 마음인 것 같다"며 "부모는 다른 것보다 자녀의 곁에서 의논할 수 있는 건강한 부모로 오랫동안 옆에 있어줘야 된다는 것.My wife seems to feel the same way," he said. "Parents should stay with their children for a long time as healthy parents who can discuss with their children more than anything else." 아내는 남편분께 그런 말씀을 하고 계신 것 같다"며 술을 끊기를 당부했다.My wife seems to be saying that to her husband," he said, urging her to stop drinking.
태유나 텐아시아 기자 Ms. Taeyuna TenAsia,
사진=MBC '결혼지옥' 방송 화면.Photo = MBC Marriage Hell broadcast screen.
암투병 중인 아내가 알콜 중독 남편으로 인해 이혼하고 싶다고 털어놨다.My wife, who is fighting cancer, confessed that she wanted to divorce because of her alcoholic husband.
지난 27일 방송된 MBC '오은영 리포트-결혼지옥'(이하 ‘결혼지옥’)에는 결혼 생활 내내 심각한 술 문제를 겪는 '술래 부부'의 사연이 공개됐다.MBC's "Oh Eun-young Report-Marriage Hell" (hereinafter referred to as "Marriage Hell"), which aired on the 27th, revealed the story of the "Tagger Couple" who suffered serious drinking problems throughout their marriage. 포장마차 옆자리에서 술을 마시다 인연이 돼 결혼에 골인한 두 사람.They were drinking next to a cart bar and they were meant to get married. 그러나 현재 아내는 남편의 음주 때문에 이혼을 결심한 상태라고 밝혔다.However, the wife said she had decided to divorce her husband because of his drinking habits.
아내는 제작진과 인터뷰에서 "남편이 진짜 술을 좋아한다.In an interview with the production team, the wife said, "My husband really likes alcohol. 딱 한 잔 들어가면 그 가게 술이 떨어질 때까지 마신다"고 말했다.Just one drink, and I'll drink until I run out of alcohol at that store." 남편은 "20병 가까이 마신다"고 주량을 밝혀 충격을 안겼다.My husband shocked me by revealing his drinking capacity, saying, "I drink nearly 20 bottles."
이어 아내는 "한 번은 아침에 전화가 왔다.Then my wife said, "Once in the morning, I got a phone call. 집단 폭행을 당해서 병원에 입원해있다고 하더라.He said he was hospitalized after being assaulted. 크고 작은 사고들을 너무 많이 쳤다.I've had too many big and small accidents. 남편 입에 술 들어가는 게 너무 싫고 질렸다"고 토로했다.I hate drinking alcohol in my husband's mouth and I'm tired of it."
오은영이 "스스로 본인에게 술 문제가 있다고 생각하냐"고 묻자 남편은 "솔직히 그다지 심각하게 생각 안 한다"고 답했다.When Oh Eun-young asked, "Do you think you have a drinking problem yourself?" the husband replied, "Honestly, I don't think it's too serious."
심지어 아내는 7개월 전 갑상선 림프절 전이암 수술을 받았다고.My wife even had thyroid lymph node metastatic cancer surgery seven months ago. 현재는 폐까지 암세포가 전이돼 추적 관찰 중인 상태였다.Currently, cancer cells have spread to the lungs and were under follow-up. 남편은 외도까지 저지른 적 있었다.My husband had committed adultery. 아내는 "시누가 돈이 필요하다고 하더라.My wife said, "My sister-in-law says she needs money. 계산해보니 남편의 퇴직금으로 되겠더라.When I calculated it, it turned out to be my husband's severance pay. 우리가 그 돈을 해주자고 했는데 딱 60만 원을 가져왔다"며 "꼬리가 기니까 잡히더라.We asked him to give us the money, but he brought us exactly 600,000 won," he said. "He was caught because he had a long tail. 2차도 가고 3차도 가고 나름대로 재미를 봤더라"고 고백했다.I went to the second round and the third round, and I had fun in my own way."
사진=MBC '결혼지옥' 방송 화면.Photo = MBC Marriage Hell broadcast screen.
술을 매일 먹고 싶다는 남편은 "주사도 없고 다음날 출근도 잘하는데 이렇게 심각하게 프로그램까지 출연할 일인지"라며 뻔뻔한 반응을 보여 분노를 자아냈다.The husband, who wants to drink every day, responded brazenly, saying, "I don't have a shot and I'm good at going to work the next day, but I don't know if I'm going to appear in such a serious program," drawing anger.
결국 오은영은 "남편분의 가장 큰 문제는 자신의 술 문제를 너무 관대하게 생각하는 것이다.In the end, Oh Eun-young said, "My husband's biggest problem is that he thinks of his drinking problem too generously. 여태껏 술과 관련된 어려움이 있는 부부 중에서 남편분의 술 문제가 가장 심각하다고 본다"며 "솔직히 제가 자신이 없다.I think your husband's drinking problem is the most serious among couples with alcohol-related difficulties so far, he said. "Honestly, I'm not confident. 이 댁은 모든 문제가 술이다.All the problems in this house are alcohol. 술 문제를 없애려면 단주를 해야 하는데 정말 쉽지 않을 것 같다"고 말했다.To get rid of the problem of alcohol, I have to stop drinking, but I don't think it'll be easy."
금주를 다짐했던 남편은 “자제력을 테스트해보기 위해서”라는 궤변을 늘어놓으며 소주를 마시기 시작했고, 그 모습을 본 딸은 "부모님을 보면서 결혼이라는 걸 하고 싶지 않다는 생각을 하게 됐다"고 털어놨다.The husband, who had vowed to abstain from drinking, began drinking soju, saying, "To test my self-control," and the daughter, who saw it, confessed, "I thought I didn't want to get married while looking at my parents." 아내 역시 자신이 세상을 먼저 떠나게 되면 부녀 사이가 멀어질까 두렵다고 밝혔다.His wife also said she was afraid that if she left the world first, the relationship between the father and the daughter would grow apart.
오은영은 "저도 2008년에 대장암 수술을 했다.Oh Eun-young said, "I also performed colon cancer surgery in 2008. 수술방으로 걸어 들어가는 짧은 시간에 생각들이 파도처럼 밀려들더라.In the short walk into the operating room, thoughts flooded like waves. 그런데 끝까지 정리가 안 되는 게 자식이었다.However, it was the child that could not be sorted out until the end. 아내분도 그런 마음인 것 같다"며 "부모는 다른 것보다 자녀의 곁에서 의논할 수 있는 건강한 부모로 오랫동안 옆에 있어줘야 된다는 것.My wife seems to feel the same way," he said. "Parents should stay with their children for a long time as healthy parents who can discuss with their children more than anything else." 아내는 남편분께 그런 말씀을 하고 계신 것 같다"며 술을 끊기를 당부했다.My wife seems to be saying that to her husband," he said, urging her to stop drinking.
태유나 텐아시아 기자 Ms. Taeyuna TenAsia,