차인표 "아버지는 선박회사 운영, 형은 서울대, 동생은 MIT" 어마어마한 집안에 '깜짝'('옥탑방의문제아들')[SS리뷰]Cha In-pyo "Father runs a shipping company, Older brother runs a Seoul National University, Younger brother runs a MIT" "Surprise" (Rooftop Troublemakers) [SS Review]

KBS2 '옥탑방의 문제아들' 출처| KBS2KBS2 "Rooftop Troublemakers" Source

[스포츠서울 | 남서영기자] 차인표가 남다른 집안으로 놀라움을 줬다.[Sports Seoul | Seo Nam-young Reporter] Cha In-pyo surprised me with his extraordinary family.

4일 방송된 KBS2 '옥탑방의 문제아들'에는 배우 차인표가 출연했다.Actor Cha In-pyo appeared in KBS2's "Rooftop Troublemakers," which aired on the 4th.

이날 차인표는 집안과 관련된 이야기를 꺼냈다.On the same day, Cha In-pyo brought up a story related to his family.

그는 "(아버지께서) 선박회사 대리점을 하셨다.He said, "My father (was) an agent of a shipping company. 작은 중소기업을 운영하셨다"고 말하며 "3형제 중 형이 공부를 잘했다.He ran a small small and medium-sized company, he said, "The older brother of the three brothers studied well. 전교 1등이었다.He was the top student in the school. 형은 서울대, 동생은 MIT를 나왔다"고 설명했다.My brother graduated from Seoul National University and my brother from MIT."

그러면서 "부모님이 형제랑 비교해서 스트레스를 안 주셨다."My parents didn't stress me out compared to my brothers. '너는 너만의 길이 있다' 하셨다"며 부모님의 교육관을 설명했다."You have your own way," he said, explaining his parents' view of education.

특히 차인표는 20살 성인이 되며 경제적 독립에 나섰다고.In particular, Cha In-pyo became a 20-year-old adult and started economic independence. 그는 "(금전적 지원을) 조금씩 해주셨는데 아르바이트를 많이 했다.He gave me (monetary support) little by little, but I had a lot of part-time jobs. 설거지부터 그릇 정리, 음료 서빙도 했다"고 당시를 떠올렸다.From washing dishes to arranging dishes and serving drinks, I recalled that time.

또 "사립 정신병원 중환자실에서 간호조무사로 1년 정도 일했다.He also said, "I worked as a nursing assistant for about a year in the intensive care unit of a private mental hospital. 시급이 셌다.The hourly wage was high. 밤 11시부터 환자를 1대1 관리했다.The patient was managed one-on-one from 11 p.m. 충동적인 환자는 화장실을 따라다니기도 했다"고 밝혔다.Impulsive patients also followed the bathroom."

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