“45살에 의대 합격”.."I passed medical school when I was 45 years old".1997년 수능 전국석차 94등 ‘깜짝’(‘물어보살’)"Surprise" (Ask Bodhisattva) ranked 94th in the national college entrance examination in 1997.

[OSEN=강서정 기자] 40대 대학교 새내기가 동기들과 잘 지내는 법을 고민한다.[OSEN = Reporter Kang Seo-jung] A freshman in his 40s is thinking about how to get along with his colleagues.

2일 방송되는 KBS Joy 예능프로그램 '무엇이든 물어보살' 198회에서는 45세 남성이 의뢰인으로 출연한다.In the 198th episode of KBS Joy's entertainment program "Ask Anything," which airs on the 2nd, a 45-year-old man will appear as a client.

이날 의뢰인은 17년 다닌 회사를 퇴사하고 새로운 길을 도전 중이라고 운을 뗀다.On this day, the client quits the company he has been working for 17 years and is trying a new path. 마흔 넘어 다시 공부를 시작해 25년 만에 수능을 다시 봤고 결국 의대에 진학한 것이다.He started studying again after turning 40, took the college entrance exam again after 25 years, and eventually went to medical school. 이수근은 "17년 근속했으면 거의 간부급 아니었냐"며 "열정이 대단하다"고 감탄한다.Lee Soo-geun admires, saying, "If I had served for 17 years, I would have been almost at the executive level."

특히 의뢰인은 1997학년도 수능에서 전국 석차 94등 출신이라고 해 놀라움을 부른다.In particular, the client is surprised to hear that he was ranked 94th in the national college entrance examination in 1997. 의뢰인은 오랜만에 공부를 하면서 힘들긴 했지만, 직장생활이 더 힘들었다고 털어놔 공감대를 사고, 25년 전과 달라진 수능 시스템과 자신만의 공부 방법을 밝혀 눈길을 끈다.The client confessed that it was difficult while studying for the first time in a long time, but his working life was harder, drawing attention by drawing consensus and revealing a different SAT system and his own study method from 25 years ago.

문제는 현역 동기들과 무려 25세 차이가 나는 것.The problem is that he is 25 years younger than his peers. 의뢰인은 동기들에게 다가가기 위해 최선을 다해 노력하는데 어떻게 해야 동기들과 편하게 잘 지낼 수 있을지 모르겠다고 고민한다.The client tries his best to reach out to his colleagues, but he is worried that he does not know how to get along with them comfortably.

이수근은 의뢰인이 동기들과 친해지기 위해 했던 행동을 듣고 "동기들 입장에서도 불편할 수도 있다"며 "방법은 하나다.Lee Soo-geun heard the client's behavior to get close to his colleagues and said, "It may be uncomfortable from the perspective of the colleagues," adding, "There is one way." OO을 잘하면 동기들이 먼저 의뢰인을 찾아올 거다.If you do OO well, your colleagues will find your client first. 스스로 오게 해야지 의뢰인이 먼저 개인기하고 술 한 잔 제안하지 말아라"고 조언했다는 후문이다.It is rumored that the client advised him not to show his personal talent and suggest a drink first.

과연 나이 차이 많이 나는 동기들과 편하게 지낼 수 있는 꿀팁은 무엇일까.What is a good tip to spend comfortable time with colleagues who are older than you? 보살들의 현실적인 조언이 함께할 KBS Joy '무엇이든 물어보살' 198회는 오늘(2일) 밤 8시 30분 방송된다.The 198th episode of KBS Joy "Ask Anything" will air at 8:30 p.m. today (2nd), where realistic advice from Bodhisattva will be accompanied. //

[사진] KBS Joy 제공[PHOTO] Presented by KBS Joy

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