‘나는솔로’ 10기 현숙, 곧 결혼하나 “♥영철에 미쳤다”10th generation of "I'm Solo" Hyunsuk, are you getting married soon? "♥ Crazy about Youngchul."

[앳스타일 김예나 기자] ‘나는솔로’ 10기 현숙이 연인 영철을 향한 애정을 “미쳤다”고 표현했다.[@star1 reporter Kim Ye-na] Hyun-sook, the 10th generation of "I'm Solo," expressed her affection for her lover Young-chul as "crazy."

지난 10일 유튜브 채널 나는커플에 업로드된 영상에 ENA PLAY, SBS Plus ‘나는 SOLO’ 9기 현숙과 10기 현숙이 등장했다.On the 10th, 9th Hyun-sook and 10th Hyun-sook of ENA PLAY, SBS Plus "I'm SOLO" appeared in the video uploaded on the YouTube channel I'm Couple. 이들은 각자 출연했던 방송분을 감상하며 이야기를 풀어갔다.They explained the story by watching the broadcasts they each appeared on.

9기 현숙은 “6기 현숙은 고구마에, 9기 현숙은 개에 미쳐있었다”며 이름의 특성을 설명했다.The 9th Hyun-sook explained the characteristics of the name, saying, "The 6th Hyun-sook was crazy about sweet potatoes and the 9th Hyun-sook was crazy about dogs."

그러자 10기 현숙은 “나는 영철에 미쳤지”라고 거들어 9기 현숙의 야유를 샀다.Then, Hyun-sook of the 10th generation helped, "I'm crazy about Young-cheol," and bought boos from Hyun-sook of the 9th generation.

10기 현숙은 ‘나는 솔로’ 촬영 당시를 떠올리며 “내가 유일하게 평생에 마음껏 사랑할 수 잇는 시간이라는 생각으로 엄청 열심히 촬영에 임했다”고 말했다.Recalling the time of filming "I'm Solo," Hyun-sook, the 10th generation, said, "I worked very hard on filming with the thought that it was the only time I could love freely in my life."

‘나는솔로’ 10기 영철과 현실 연애 중인 현숙은 “저는 결혼 빨리하고 싶은 편이다.Hyun-sook, who is in a real relationship with Young-chul, the 10th generation of "I'm Solo," said, "I want to get married quickly. 가정이 주는 안정감이 확실히 있다”면서 자신의 부모님을 보면서 가정을 꾸리고 싶다는 희망을 품고 있다고 했다.There is definitely a sense of stability that the family gives," he said, adding that he hopes to have a family while looking at his parents.

또 “요새 진짜 꽂혀있는 건데 다름을 인정해야 한다."I'm really into it these days, but I have to admit it's different. 그랬을 때 확실히 행복을 찾아나갈 수 있다.When that happens, you can definitely find happiness. 다름을 인정하고 서로를 받아들이는 것이 진짜 성숙한 커플이라고 생각한다”며 영철과의 관계를 설명했다.I think it's a really mature couple to acknowledge differences and accept each other," he said.

(사진=유튜브)(Photo = YouTube)
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