Yoon Bo Mi Bo Mi...Why don't you regret it?" Why?

▲ Source | "Pretty kiss" capture

[S. internship news= Jeong Hye-won] Group A group A group Apink Yoon Bo Mi-mi regretting his body.

On the 28th of last month, the video titled "How much money is a good attractive attractive charm" on the 28th of last month.

Yoon Bo Mi-mi, "I saw it since I saw a lot of TTOB.How many other pitchers do you?"I asked you."Accordingly, I said, "It's a meaningful thing, but it's not meaningful because there are no meaningful things that I want to fill it because there are no meaningful."

Yoon Bo Mi-mi.I like to have a tattoo". "Do you have a tattoo?" "Do you have a tattoo?""I asked you."

▲ Source | "Pretty kiss" capture

Yoon Bo Mi-mi said, "I regret it"."The end of the feet are always together with your friends.TTOB is clear, and it seems to be seen as a soup team.I was so embarrassed."

Yoon Bo Mi-mi added, "I couldn't erase everything, but I couldn't hurt."

On the other hand, Yoon Bo Mi-mi opened YouTube channel "Kom kiss" in 2018, and communicate with fans.Currently, subscribers have about 81 million subscribers.

spoilers, spoilers who died in Itaewon this Itaewon, and give us deep comfortable to the bereaved family.
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