[Sports Chosun Ilbo Ji Hyun-hyun] The baseball player Choo Shin-soo was soaked in Christmas atmosphere.
On the 28th, House said, "It's a long time since it was a long time since it was a long time since I was in a long time.
House, which is paying attention on the streets filled with Christmas Jang Mi-soo, said, "I promise to play with Young-soo.As soon as he quit, I don't laugh, why you're trying to come out, why I don't laugh."
In particular, the House of Representative House is always proud of the body.The House of Representative House, which maintains beautiful body, is not believed to be a mother who gave children three.
On the other hand, the House of Representatives married Choo Shin-soo in 2002, and put two men under the slurry.