Tae Jin-ah, pokpung the Jung Dong Won ...Jang Min-ho "He nearly 175 cm" (Our show 10).

Tae Jin-ah is Jung Dong Won said about the story not to recognise.

지난 5일(수) 첫 방송된 MBN 예능 프로그램 ‘우리들의 쇼10’에 태진아가 ‘단장님’으로 출연해 김희재, 김다현의 노래 대결을 응원하는 모습이 공개됐다.

‘trot a loan’, Tae Jin-ah is "I met yesterday, Jung Dong Won", and suddenly start torque to the update.About Jung Dong Won, saying, "are ignorant tall I" boom mc said.

Tae Jin-ah is known as ", who's here to eat in dining room and a greeting.".Do you still didn't recognize and remove the respirator, Jung Dong Won have never told anyone.Tae Jin-ah is so big that I couldn't recognize said.Said Jung Dong Won, saying, "and nearly 175." about the tall for this.

In addition, Tae Jin-ah is Jung Dong Won the other compliments about his character come to greet about the restaurant.Finally, he told Jung Dong Won to image "I love you." and sent a letter to the warm.

"The accident level" he said, is Jang Min-ho, the other hand, woman expressed concern about the team's victory.Tae Jin-ah explained about the "a person's song to pretend to pay it doesn't taste good." criteria.After all, the Wonder of the stage in his own gimhuijae won the match with gimdayeon.

On the other hand, mbn ‘Our show 10’ every Wednesday night with 10 youth star, the ability of the high quality live shows aired at 10 p.m.

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