→ Noisy take legal action over invasion of privacy and sexual harassment ...

Poetries deutppodeuppo, composed of the taeyuna
Noisy is controversy, 'Suriname' is popular.
Suriname current legal action the government, → gimmin ears, privacy debate.[press, ten Asian countries = taeyu]
Photo provided : Netflix and 'Suriname' posters.

Poetries deutppodeuppo, composed of the taeyuna
Ten Asian reporter listen at the scene saw the faces of drama based on facts or taeyu ppogae right for you.Eyes and ears of many readers during the flood channel flowing from drama.넷플릭스 비영어권 드라마 부문 시청 시간 1위 차지, 전 세계 82개국에서 톱10 차트에 이름을 올리며 '오징어게임' 이후 또 하나의 히트작 탄생을 알린 '수리남'이 뜨거운 인기에도 각종 잡음으로 몸살을 앓고 있다.Suriname after the disclosure of state suggests legal action to privacy, due to the actor's ear, role cast of sexual harassment controversy, nothing less than talkative and lots of a lousy.

'수리남'은 수리남에서 대규모 마약 조직을 운영하다가 2009년 검거된 조봉행의 실화를 모티프로 만들어진 작품.National Intelligence Service and the jobonghaeng with an ordinary man tells the story of a catch.

'Suriname' Steel Cut./ Photo : Netflix

A great response by the 'Suriname' immediately after the disclosure is the nation against foreign books.A sumptuous beauty, employees' tension and twists to give interesting material and flow of drug cartel on the increase.In American pop culture specialist media disaideo, as "Korean drama of this the best since ' squid ' game" and the United States received viewer rating of 93 % in rating site Rotten Tomatoes.

Did otherwise smooth sailing from the production process is 'Suriname' with significant results.Surinam government is the Korean government continued to complain and request modification of a title.Suriname is a country that drawing wild as the negative image of dealing drugs.In public at the time of the English shortly after, Suriname, the government and whose Korean name remains open but was determined to 'The Saints carry' (- drug dealers - the Son and saints narcos) jemongmyeong, replied that he would review the legal action.

The problem is about 50 whose million-strong army of overseas Koreans residing in Suriname in this situation is any disadvantage or accidents that it may have problems.Jouvet their suella very troubling in the wake of the airing of Korean drama 'Suriname' you living in the embassy said, " Korea, Republic of Suriname will spoke volumes.I'll do my best to your well-being.Once hope you pay attention for their safety, asked, but that into a threat to Korean residents in private for the benefit is clear.

'Suriname' Steel Cut./ Photo : Netflix

Cast problem flared up in a row.'수리남'에서 마약왕 전요환(황정민 분)을 맹신적으로 믿고 따르는 충직한 집사 이상준을 역을 맡았던 김민귀가 촬영 당시 사생활 논란에 휩싸이며 역할이 대폭 축소된 것.According to the news media in the play jeonyowan of Jeju honeymoon trips, which is set to the mansion on the House being shot in July last year, former girlfriend online, go out with me home ' gimmin gimmin ear over WWE One Night several times, it both ways and verbal abuse as they went.코로나 자가 격리 기간에도 여자 모델을 만나러 새벽에 집을 나가기도 했다'는 폭로가 터지자, '수리남' 측은 긴급회의 끝에 남은 분량에서 많은 시퀀스를 덜어내기로 결정했다.

The agency "about the controversial portion of their privacy and admit my fault you were immature judgment and actions truly I am deeply sorry and apologize to the person get hurt." position when the ear, gimmin gimmin ears 'Suriname' self-restraint until just prior to the public.

'Suriname' Steel Cut./ Photo : Netflix

In recent years, 50s a play actor, who starred in 'Suriname' a a theater group, was belatedly reported that being investigated on suspicion of indecent assault on staff.According to the news channel a the Sejong Center for the theater group at the fence on April last met in April in the prosecution on charges of indecent assault on staff in their 20s being investigated. 이에 세종문화회관은 자체 조사를 거쳐 지난 7월 A씨를 면직 해임했고, A씨는 "억울하다"며 재심을 청구했지만 지난달 재심 인사위원회에서도 해임 결정이 유지된 것으로 전해졌다. 그러나 A씨는 여전히 "피해자 손을 잡은 적은 있지만 성추행을 한 적은 없다"며 검찰 조사를 통해 소명할 것이라고 주장했다.

'수리남'은 지난 9월 25일 이후 전 세계 톱10에서 내려갔다.But situations that still commanded steady popularity in Asia.'Suriname' is a success is clearly significant, but I remember what noise due to various controversies have been much better.

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