Jenny, dissemination, do you stop that privacy bwi ...41 days after yg "The investigation request" position [issue md].

[My daily press : Lee Seung Rok] Pink member Jenny (JENNIE KIM, 26, his real name.), black boy group Bangtan Boys member bwi (26 and whose real name Kim taehyeong) after photos were distributed first 41 days after the privacy of the entertainment yg position officially announced.Two people have struggled with distributing photos of privacy case is closed, whether or not.

Jenny's agency issued press releases in three days the media entertainment yg "Black, pink Jenny's personal photos spread rumors for the first time the request formally to the police investigate." he said."the end of its contents to a continuous monitoring and profiling is yg has submitted a petition last September." he added.

Jenny and online bwiro It is estimated that were distributed last August 23, is the first time.The first yg Entertainment to release an official position in 41 days after going around.In the meantime, Jenny's agency and entertainment yg bwi's agency, big hit music, both about this incident does not make an official comment. Yg Entertainment "In the meantime, to minimize the additional damage is yg have refrained from comment and over." he explained.

"Recently, however, sparked rumors in the production, personal photos, sprawl, an invasion of privacy, personal attacks, sexual harassment accusations made to condone any felt sense of responsibility.", and it's "In legal actions seek to remedy the situation and the truth.".

YG엔터테인먼트는 "소속 아티스트의 인격과 명예를 실추시키는 게시물들을 대상으로 강력한 법적 조치를 취하고 있다"며 "이번 사안 역시 진위 여부가 파악되지 않은 내용을 반복적으로 업로드하거나 과도한 악성 게시글을 작성하는 행위들에 대해 정보통신망법상 명예훼손, 불법정보유통금지 위반, 통신매체이용음란죄 등으로 고소, 고발했다"고 설명했다.

In particular, warned that the "What about the additional damage to occur in the future, all without the benefit of taking legal action" entertainment yg.

In addition, "been released onto the photo was released illegally, regardless of their intentions online" he said, " to share the action was legal at the same time, be punished, and can be.I sincerely ask you to your altitude to turn away an act of sharing a reckless to appeal.

제니의 사생활 사진을 유출시킨 것은 물론이고 이를 2차, 3차 유포하는 행위에 대해서도 법적 대응하겠다는 뜻으로 풀이된다.

This case is the waiting room that appeared to be released online on August 23, is a picture taken in space began.당시 여러 네티즌들은 사진 속 남녀의 의상을 근거로 두 사람이 뷔와 제니라고 추측했는데, 사진을 촬영하고 있는 인물이 제니로 추정되는 여성이었던 까닭에 '제니의 개인 정보가 유출된 것 아니냐'는 우려가 제기됐던 것이다.

As recently as But at the time of 'Jenny and may not bwi' online, some are skeptical, but another picture distributed and has been a spate of privacy after the crisis is spreading uncontrollably.

Jenny and bwi was already caught up with each other in the relationship, last May.At the time, bwi and Jenny are estimated to Jeju Island, men and women in pictures and eyewitness account he had seen a way to go by car, like come up with a TV production.

But this time the seriousness of the situation is different.In May, illegally distributing a crime regarded as personal photos of the relationships, Jenny.The persistent circulation of pictures because Jenny, privacy of bwi yg to entertainment and needed big hit the announcement of the music strong position, pointing out that the government still came.

[a picture of : My Daily db].

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