Choi Hwan Hee Choi Joon Hee, 'Choi Jin-shil 14 anniversary of the 母' brother, remonstrated with him?"It's so tea I'm not interested and hospitalized in the first place no" [comprehensive].

[My Daily press : Kim Nara] late cycle 14 of the mother is Choi Joon Hee Choi Jin-sil daughter found the grave sites.

Choi Joon Hee was his Instagram the afternoon of October 2, the story, late because of the traffic jam...I want to see!" Choi Jin-sil was asleep with grave with panoramic images of the tags.

Choi Jin-sil last age of 40 years old on October 2, 2008, suddenly passed away.

Choi Joon Hee is also express admiration once again yearning, "No kind of a mother who looks just like me.".

He also belatedly found the graves this day, Choi Hwan Hee said, " my brother and a car accident recently hospitalized with us since he didn't come.You didn't seriously hurt. "Let's interview," and hospitalized in the first place but left the hospital, where, and tea can't pay very interested to you " to each other.

이후 최준희는 인스타그램 라이브 방송을 통해 접촉사고와 관련 "저 괜찮다"라고 알리며 팬들을 안심시켰다.

[Choi Joon Hee : Instagram photos capture].

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