"횡령 내가 했다" 박수홍 父, 폭행 이후 횡령까지 주장하는 이유[박판석의 연예법정]


Son of the study noted prosecutors that he embezzled money. the father of [a = osen bakpanseok] broadcasters bakssuongIs there a sense, is whether embezzlement allegations of his father bakssuong

박수홍의 법률대리를 맡고 있는 노종언 변호사는 5일 OSEN과 전화 통화에서 "직계존속이나 배우자의 경우 횡령 등의 범죄는 절대적으로 형이 면제 된다"라며 "아버지가 그것을 노리고 자신이 횡령을 했다고 하고 있는 상황이다.But in the faces and the father of bakssuong bakssuong do you ask about your password, such as the Internet banking said, I don't know, '' said. Bakssuong to his father is currently in custody, according to the prosecution suggested that instead of the type of crime.The reason he committed a crime that relatives are the father of bakssuong sangdorye that because of the opinion of the legal officials.

Cho Won Ik of the law firm Logos The lawyer explained, "If there are special cases of the punishment for relatives, crime is the establishment, but chinjokssangdorye have meant phased out by needs" about such chinjokssangdorye.


Brother accused of embezzlement The reason for being the arrest of the current bakssuong chinjokssangdorye by Article 361 of criminal law is applied in the case of embezzlement, because crime.Particularly bakssuong of crime is a lineal ascendant of crime is his waiver program.If bakssuong father's embezzlement were accepted, in fact, punishments are impossible situation.

Our country in the birth of chinjokssangdorye in 1953 the phases of the times the background of the criminal law.Cho "In the past, the national hyeongbeolgwon the relationship between brothers is close enough to be holding back and house chores is in the dated atmosphere to solve." with regard to this case, the lawyer said."However, modern society has become more complicated than ever and relatives occurs, is to not protected in the real and powerful intervention is required of the National hyeongbeolgwon anything happening." about different situation added.

Bakssuong his brother's embezzlement for the outcome of prosecution is expected to come as early as this week.Whether the prosecution are paying keen attention to what judgment will be./

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