Kim Yun-ji, Man more than exposure to at ‥ The Legend still in shape.

[press news, iaejeong] Singer and actor Kim Yun-ji the beautiful figure.

Kim Yun-ji on September 28, personal photo posted on several pictures to you. through sns

Kim Yun-ji pressing against your picture, dressing in body suits and posing with.가슴이 깊게 파여 글래머러스한 몸매를 강조하고 유연한 포즈가 아름다운 선을 돋보이게 한다.

Legginess catch the eyes is in the photos wearing a bra top and has pants.A vertiginous high heels were added to a fascinating adds to the effect.

The netizens who saw the picture "It's too beautiful.", "exceptional, but pretty." and "sexy." responded.

한편 지난 2009년 활동명 'NS윤지'로 데뷔한 김윤지는 독보적인 무대 퍼포먼스와 다수의 예능 프로그램에서 맹활약하며 대중들의 많은 사랑을 받았고, 2019년에는 SBS '황후의 품격'으로 연기에 도전했다.

Kim Yun-ji the Netflix movie 'lift' Hollywood in the news.'리프트'는 다국적의 도둑들로 구성된 크루가 테러리스트의 공격을 막는 이야기를 그린 작품이다.'International : Men in Black' (2019) f, and the 'more extreme : the Furious' (2017).Gary Gray (f.Gary gray), directed.

In addition, Kim Yun-ji is not a celebrity to five years older than 26 in September last year married businessman.My husband is the son of comedian Kim Young Im married couple has been more than traditional musicians and attracted the attention of the public.(Photo : Kim Yun-ji sns)
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