Jenny ... 'kiss my forehead'. and bwiBurst at last.

Bangtan Boys group (bts) member Black and bwi pink Jenny an estimated couple were were leaked photos of a kiss my forehead.

2 online community and sns in Jenny seems to be a woman's lip kissing and a photo spread on his forehead is a man on his forehead.

Bwi and Jenny leaked photos of the estimated again.[Photo : online community,]

Jenny who had been saying pictures of the spill and been in the disclosure by the leak, and 'a picture of two people kiss your forehead.' was the picture, too, opinions would be two people are coming.

Another picture shows a woman is diffused by the same day man enough to bring her gently holding hands showed.

첫 번째 사진은 남성의 얼굴이 제대로 나오지 않아 얼굴 확인이 어렵고 두 번째 사진은 남녀 모두 얼굴이 나오지 않아 분간이 쉽지 않다.

Bwi and Jenny leaked photos of the estimated again.[Photo : online community,]

The third photo, released on the day, including images of a video call and bwi.The comfortable bwi video call with a woman in green onion mote and laughing.

The picture, too, a woman's face was half out of relative who don't correct is impossible.

Exposed as if to demonstrate that there are more pictures but who also reveal the photo array.

Bwi and Jenny leaked photos of the estimated again.[Photo : online community,]

Netizens warn that by spreading them based on several photographs of the bwi and estimates that Jenny would be.The latest estimated figure two people waiting room, home is a picture taken, in the elevator on a date been leaked in a row and stood at the center of the subject.

트위터를 통해 하루 한 장씩 사진을 유출할 것이라 도발했던 폭로자는 돌연 지난달 31일 입장을 바꿔 "중요한 사람들과 대화 결과 뷔와 제니 관련 내용을 게시하는 걸 자제하기로 했다"고 입장을 밝힌 바 있다.

But two days after the Discloser by leaked photos again this day, discuss what about what is the intention of being transacted.

Jenny the number of men and women suspected the couple contact, wearing a T-shirt and bwi taking selfies.[Photo : online community,]

Is enjoying home on a date. those suspected, Jenny and bwi[Photo : online community,]

Jenny that the estimated online photos created a highly publicized. and bwi[Photo : online community,]

[Photo : online community,]

한편 두 사람의 소속사 하이브와 YG엔터테인먼트는 아티스트 사생활 보호라는 명목으로 사진에 대한 그 어떤 입장도 내놓지 않고 있다.

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