[comprehensive] "four siblings five years childcare dokppak" ...'Im Chang-jung ♥' seoayan, business leaders and, Jeju-si, Jeju-do, Korea only for "felt like he was trapped" ('2 dongsangimong').

[press, ten Asian countries = taeyu]
Photo = sbs a screen '2 dongsangimong'

The wife of singer Im Chang-jung seoayani dokppak jeju in life was to open her mouth with childcare.

Over the past 26, televised sbs Im Chang-jung, who went on a trip to Jeju, ‘I was in dongsangimong season - You Are My Sunshine’ (less than ‘ ’ two dongsangimong) seoayan the couple's showed.

지난해까지 제주도에서 생활했던 두 사람은 추억이 담긴 제주도 여행에 들뜬 모습을 보였다.Im Chang-jung, in particular seoayan and then confessed that he had offered a blind date to his acquaintance, saying, "I told him that the best brother you just know brother's offered to introduce a woman." and reminiscing about clandestine lovers.

Seoayani, " Jeju Island when I was me?"라고 묻자, 임창정은 "자기랑 나랑 놀러왔는데 그 형의 형수가 내가 온다는 말을 듣고 다른 여자를 소개해주려고 제주도에 부른것"이라 설명했고, 이를 들은 서하얀은 "아쉬웠겠네"라며 표정을 굳혔다.Im Chang-jung, a situation, the fact is that friend ought not to say to you then my girlfriend and said to marry.So you introduced to the first on my brother.She was right up, explained.

Photo = sbs a screen '2 dongsangimong'
The two of a meal, Jeju-si, Jeju-do, Korea had to live for five years came up with this.When asked, "remember why he suddenly came to live in Jeju Island?" Im Chang-jung seoayan said trout but eat raw fish.My brother come to Jeju island us?Toss an story and said, " said.

, "And to think normal to want to see ' is ' right I would have been if you want to go?" Im Chang-jung seoayan said, when words and less than three months, and left.50 things I can't have a brilliant man, and by plane, explained.

Im Chang-jung that back down to, but things got too much.Seoayan is "there were when he is weekend couple to be acting like we're almost like a couple others." and " I'm that's like pedaling a little bit about it.To child care alone.I now a mother first, too.Is that so tiring.Shed tears as he see the plane to go outside the baby sling, with the sky sometimes.What do you do something it felt like he was trapped on Jeju Island, " recalled.Im Chang-jung is the real have you had it?" I'm sorry, did.

서하얀은 임창정에게 감동받은 일화도 전했다.He said, " Jeju, airplanes and ships when a lot of bad weather.All bird and rain, and electricity is cut off.I'm so that I was scared her older brother, send me your important work, and just came to Jeju island.The plane was watching, can't if we get cut off, two or three days is more grateful.

Im Chang-jung is good now than it was while living apart. "Seoayani " home in a hotel can can.애들 우는 소리 안 들리고 잠 편히 자고"라고 하자 임창정은 "아니다.Betrays the affection and forlorn than usual. ".

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