Teuwaiseu the utmost filial piety, the pelvis ever srain..Glamour can not be disputed

JiHyo Instagram

[Herold pop a = gimnayul] group member JiHyo teuwaiseu the pay off.

The utmost filial piety, his stage costume to Instagram account posted a photo taken wearing."fashionable teokttaeteok heroine" with the utmost filial piety was a photo, wrote.

The utmost filial piety in the picture is in costume and chic atmosphere of color black.JiHyo a slender waist line in the volume of pelvis shows the body with srain.

In addition, the utmost filial piety was a glamorous eyes by staring at the camera.I can't keep an eye on the body of the utmost filial piety.

Meanwhile, the utmost filial piety has a group led 11th mini album released a '1 & 2 between'. 26 The teuwaiseu
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