Ok Joo-hyun, and this exercise..Dieter is.

Ok Joo-hyun, whose inseuta
[Herold pop a = baejaeryeon] Ok Ju-hyun from early morning unveiled the update, which exercise a hot topic.

Ok Joo-hyun, a musical 30 days to along with the words that their "It's hard as soon as he eyes do you go to that" through sns a piece of certification with a photo.

Ok Joo-hyun, whose picture is disclosed do Pilates workout while wearing a sweatshirt that don't have any exposed and attention.

In the meantime, are of a musical 'Elizabeth' on stage.뮤지컬 '엘리자벳'은 오스트리아를 대표하는 인물, 황후 '엘리자벳'의 드라마틱한 인생에 '죽음(Der Tod)'이라는 캐릭터를 등장시켜 역사적 사실에 판타지적 요소를 결합시킨 매혹적인 스토리로 전 세계를 열광시킨 스테디셀러 대작이다.
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